My mom
This could signal a new low for this blog - I write an entry about my mom.
So I'm downstairs, engaged in combat with super-frozen Haagen-Daaz coffee ice cream, when my mom approaches me with that "I'm your loving mother and I gave birth to you" attitude that she always uses to guilt me into doing something.
In any case, she starts off, "Well you know your father said that I could buy this necklace for my anniversary and birthday..." and immediately I'm thinking "Oh god, I will never be able to save up money for a down payment on a house."
She goes on to tell me about this awesome necklace she wants from Off 5th ... except the thing costs $1200. Before I start rambling about the ridiculousness of purchasing a necklace for $1200, she quickly interjects "My friend and I are going to split it!"
Now, I'm not sure what types of experiences you guys have had with "sharing" expensive items, but it never works. I remember "splitting" a video game when I was younger, and by the time it got to me, nobody wanted to play it. Intrigued I ask her how her and her friend are going to "share" it.
My mom grabs the napkin and draws a crude rendition of the necklace. She draws 7 pearls (or diamonds) and the string. She goes, "Well, we figured there are 8 pearls. So then one of us will get .." (she draws a cross through half the pearls) ... "3 of the pearls and the string, while the other one of us will get the 4 pearls." She looks up at me with a big smile.
Imagine the look of amazement on my face. The audicity of Korean moms to save money.
But that's not the end ... no sirree. Not at all. Before I go back up to my room with my ice cream, she goes, "Oh yeah, since you have a job and a debit card, do you think you can apply for the credit card at Off 5th? It gets 10% off this item." Before I can offer a response, she quickly interjects, "I know that you're busy with work, but me, my friend, my friend's son, and your father have all applied for the card already to buy stuff from there. You're the only one who hasn't applied yet!"
So they plan on using my credit card virginity so they can split up a $1200 necklace. Wonderful. So glad to know I'm of some use.
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J.L (guest)
-rien from neopages
ps. this is a very belated to reply to a log entry you posted a while back, asking people who read your journal to notify you or what not....

PM5K (guest)

and besides... 4 pearls for $600?!?! they must be gargantuan...
DebiruBoy (guest)

dorie (guest)

ghost_tree (guest)
If I were you, I'd do it. Then I'd bring it up just in case she chews me up on future lapses on judgement.