April 3, 2005
TV Shows
I love Bittorrent. Being a really disorganized person, I can never remember when my favorite shows are on. If I miss the episodes, Bittorent saves my ass.
Here are my favorite TV shows in no particular order:
- Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
I'm not sure if it's the cast, but I absolutely love this show. What is especially awesome is that on Saturday nights USA reruns back to back episodes of SVU, so I can catch up. Of course, this website has also been incredibly helpful in tracking down when specific episodes are on - South Park
I've never been a huge fan of the Simpson; I honestly think South Park is leagues better than the Simpsons. There's a continuity to all the stories (given that Matt and Trey have continued to be the creative force behind SP, this is expected) and level of humor with each progressing season contines to astound me. There's no stale jokes, no dead plotlines... all-in-all, I think SP is one of the best shows on TV right now. Given the fact they're in their 8th or 9th season right now... - Lost
Man, I don't know what about this TV show hooks me so much. Honestly I think it's the vast number of characters. Or maybe it's Evangeline Lilly. I am hooked on this show. - Las Vegas
Beautiful people living a life we only dream about. 'Nuff said - Scrubs
Zach Braff is hilarious. Although this show is starting to get a bit stale to me (the storyline isn't progressing enough very well... it feels like it's stalling a bit - Daily Show
Best news show in the world. - Chappelle's Show
Is there a season 3? - Arrested Development
One of my new favorite shows; I'm not sure why I wasn't turned onto this show earlier, because Oliver has been urging me to watch this show for a while now. I need to rent the 1st season and watch all of it ... Tobias and Buster are absolutely hilarious characters. Plus any show which uses Europe's "The Final Countdown" is a definite PLUS in my book (that song absolutely rocks)
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And I think its pretty cool that Kate is Canadian :)
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ghost_tree (guest)