The Pope has passed away. :( I'm not a Catholic by any stretch, but for some reason this news saddens me greatly. Maybe it's the same thing as Mother Teresa, where I just feel a sadness in seeing truly selfless people pass away. Oh well.

What's up with these deaths? Johnny Cochran passed away last week as well.

NPR reported that Frank Purdue (the chicken magnate) also passed away.

And, of course, Terri Schiavo.

Edit: Wow, look at the front page of Tabulas:

Posted by roy on April 2, 2005 at 01:18 PM in Ramblings | 9 Comments

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Comment posted on April 4th, 2005 at 09:43 AM
P.S. I just put two and two together. If the phillippines (spelling gone mad...) are your most popular tabulas location, and it has a catholic population larger than Italy's, then of course your "recent journal entries" looks like that. Dude, my intelligence analysis skills are almost good enough for the Bush administration they're so slow and crap.
Comment posted on April 4th, 2005 at 10:30 AM

yeah i figured. it's fascinating how quickly a community responds and to see it (in kinda) real time.
Comment posted on April 2nd, 2005 at 11:46 PM
Those other deaths were a foreshadow to the Pope's death
Comment posted on April 2nd, 2005 at 06:12 PM
Me too... I'm not Catholic, yet it's sad to see someone who has touched so many lives pass on.
Comment posted on April 2nd, 2005 at 02:34 PM
The Pope, Johnny Cochrane AND Frank Purdue... That's a sign of the apocalypse...

It's interesting to read the rituals they'll be performing now during the mourning period and the election of a new Pope.

They even go as far as to specify how the voting process is behind close doors, so much so that they actually sweep the Sistine Chapel searching for surveillance devices.

And leave it to me to make a blog posting that has nothing to do with the Pope.
Comment posted on April 2nd, 2005 at 01:56 PM
As a lapsed Catholic, I'm fairly curious to know who the next pope will be. According to speculation surrounding the Third Prophecy of Fatima, which a lot of Catholics believe, the next pope may be the antipope. The one that kills the papacy.

I don't believe in that, but I find it interesting nonetheless.
Comment posted on April 4th, 2005 at 10:31 AM
Wow, I just wasted about half an hour reading about Fatima. Scary stuff.
Comment posted on April 3rd, 2005 at 05:38 AM
There's a really great article on slate about the possible successors. Also a guide to how they select the new guy.
Comment posted on April 2nd, 2005 at 01:47 PM
whoa... i didn't know that about the pope.