Stuff to look forward to
Wow, I never knew my personal domain got so cluttered. Years and years of just throwing content together ... made it one huge mess. I spent a few hours today sorting through the thing; I redid the HTML so it was CSS/XHTML 1.0 valid ... and started to reorganize all the content within the site. I decided against redesigning the site because I love the layout so much.
This is the main directory listing of the main domain. Wow. It's trashed with all sorts of random junk.
Hopefully by weekend's end, I'll have cleaned up to a point that's really presentable.
I did a quick disk check on, and it has over 4GB worth of stuff. A lot of it is stuff I've no longer linked, but there's a ton of great movie files, funny clips, the whole Calvin and Hobbes archives (yeah, that link ... I privately mirrored it).
And guess what? Only people I like will get access to all 4GB of stuff! It's just a matter of reorganizing all the stuff... I also think I'm going to touch up my summer 2002 gallery a bit. Just the HTML, although I've been itching to rescan all the slides for some time now. If only I had time...
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Another thing to look forward to is the relaunch of Yeah, it's been a long time coming ... but I've just started to get into the groove of getting back to work on this awesome project. The backend is all done - it's just a matter of getting all the frontend stuff working once again (redesign, etc.)., for those of you "not in the know", is a website that lets you install a plugin to your Winamp ... then all your music playing gets tracked. A list of your "recently" listened songs becomes displayed so people can see what you've been listening to. It also generates a cool little image like *Hmay*:
Neeraj has worked on the hard part of the site by testing a hypothesis we had about listening habits that should yield artists that are similar to the ones you listen to. So it's basically a music tracking/music suggestion site. I also want to throw in some kick-ass lyrics management (remember my old project,, and we have the making for a great site.
Another cool little project which yields absolutely no financial incentives ... but damn it's cool.
The new Audiomatch is exciting because I'm developing complete protocols (APIs) to let you access the innards of; there are also "push" protocols; anytime you send data to AM, it will also let you resend that data to another site. I wrote a quick and dirty PHP script that receives that data and stores it in my DB; I'm using a quick PHP scriptlet to display my "most" recent songs as well!
It's kind of funny that the busier I get, the more I get done. I think it's cause my body goes into a higher gear and my productivity just remains at a higher level.
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Don't think that I've forgotten about Tabulas. Anton was gracious enough to open his home to a Triangle Bloggers Meetup, and a lot of people (some G-boro people as well!) showed up ... I had to duck out early due to prior engagements, but the whole meeting really got me thinking about a lot of stuff. I'm starting to remember why I started to develop Tabulas in the first place. I'm getting revitalized with the whole blogging thing, and I think Tabulas will start to reflect my philosophies more closely.
I still plan on taking time off from development for Tabulas to focus on AM and my other small side project. I have been taking notes on how to improve Tabulas for the masses. So I guess there is now an official Tabulas 3.0 in the works (which will be yet another rewrite of the backend to support some of the more advanced features I want to build into the site.
But, honestly, it's seeing the launch of Yahoo! 360 "social networking" site that's really gearing me back towards Tabulas development. I'm not sure whether what they're doing is the "beta jitters," but this whole invitation-only scheme is ridiculous, and the whole concept of "closing" so much stuff off is really missing the point of building social networking sites. All social networking tools should be as transparent as possible. A lot of these social networking tools are facing inwards, when their goal should be to face outwards.
Oh, the ramblings of a 3am moron. I'll write more coherent stuff over the next few days as I slowly get some of these small side projects out the door.
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Besides work, nothing interesting is happening. Still no girl. But Cupid be willing, that'll change sometime... I think. If only I can trick a girl into liking me ... muhahahaha
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but that is a really awesome idea too. do you have the link to the plugin?
dorie (guest)

And the Yahoo 360 thing... I think Yahoo! is trying to keep up with Google. Google keeps releasing all these things in beta, so that if anything goes wrong they can just say, "oh, it's still in beta." But... I don't know. xP It's kinda annoying to have all these companies keep releasing services in beta, available to only those who receive invites. - -;;