Test post from Carrboro
Just demoing Tabulas from Tyler's Tap in Carrboro. L)
Update: So today at the Chapel Hill Bloggers Meetup I got to demo Tabulas to the crowd. Of course, Google's supercomputers must of cached my "Why I Don't Like Google" post because they gave me directions to Southern Village and not to Tyler's Tavern so I was a bit late. YOU CAN'T FOIL ME, GOOGLE!
In any case, I'm not much of a public speaker, so I was incredibly relieved that I had do to do a minimum of structured 'presentation' and spent most of the time on questions/answers (and the tangents that naturally occur).
I think I got most of what I wanted to say out there, so that's a relief ... but much thanks to those who knew exactly what I was trying to say and were able to phrase things more elegantly. Sometimes I get stuck in technospeak and forget how to explain every simple concepts.
Much thanks to Anton for not only giving me time today but tirelessly being the organizer of this group of bloggers:)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)


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I think I interrupted you the most. Can I at least get credit for that? It's 11 pm EST. I am still walking Tim through your site and trying to get the first whiff of comprehension. Again, thanks for the 75mph intro to what's possible out there.