There's going to be an EXCITING new feature-ette to Tabulas soon; I've been working on it hardcore the last day or so. It's an old feature that was taken out because of lack of support ... but I've found a new open source package that works wonderfully!
I was doing work on the smilies engine [still a LOT of work to be done there if I ever want to let people upload their own smilies] and noticed that the trigger word for this smiley face: was
. I guess I really wasn't happy with UNC when I wrote Tabulas...
The trigger words are pretty funny - I kind of added the smilies feature as a last-minute request during the early development stage; I would look at the picture and then use the first word that came to mind. Some of these are only humorous if you know me and the people in real life...
This was named after Tony Lee, who is obviously Mr. Cool
This was named after "Drools" Choi, who has long since departed this area [she got married!]. The joke was that she was the sweet ol' mountain girl from rural NC... except she was Korean.
Named after my then-girlfriend.
I could not pass this naming this one after my Mom - she's a damn good chef. Momma's cooking ... #1! [What's funny is that everyone thinks their mom is the best cook. But my mom can beat up any of your moms ... so eat it.]
This was named after Hansub (aka "Soob"). The joke here is that Soob used to have an attitude and had a dirty mouth. We just like to make fun of Soob [the one on the right is him].
I'm a narcissistic ass. This is named after me because I am never seen without a hat.
Named after jennhlin. I was chatting with her when I was naming these, and she demanded I label the prettiest emoticon after her. So I did.
Named after Yush cause I can kick his ass any day of the week! I AM THE ALPHA MALE!!!!!!!
Trigger word:
. 'Nuff said.
Trigger word:
. How can I not take a potshot at Duke University? Paying $35K+/year for an education you can get for $10K/year on the other end of Tobacco Road? Come on...
Trigger word:
. Cause we're so innocent like that... until evil girls come and corrupt us! Hahaha.
Named after Alice. Cause it's just her.
Named after Lillia. If you know her, this one is a great fit.
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phineyae (guest)
lillia (guest)
Can be subsituted by Aim coolface smiley.


by Tracy Kidder.
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0316491977/qid=1110330454/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/102-2446194-8544145?v=glance&s=books&n=507846">shortened link</a> [www.amazon.com]
Or, to paraphrase another book title: "The Perfect Blog"... :)
phineyae (guest)


Just send me an autographed copy of your "A Perfect Blog" when it's published, OK?




but Duke sucks
and that quality education he's talking about is just a short hop on I-40 East from Durham. You can't miss the bricks.
