March 1, 2005
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Alice!. The big 2-4 for her! :o Go wish her a happy bday!
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I've updated the moods metadata. Apparently the month of February was the month for being "thankful." Cool.
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There's a petition by a poor soul for me to open up more features to free users. You know where I stand on the issues.
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Speaking of which, paid users, if you haven't done so already, turn ON hit logging from here. I'm working on completely revamping the whole hit logging system so it doesn't suck ass. So let it start grabbing data ... :)
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PM5K (guest)

I already get free handjobs from her so there's no reason for me to sign up, but I hear next month it's Elisha Cuthbert so I'm really thinking about signing up....