Oh goodness
A bunch of passing thoughts:
This picture of a baby from MikeyMike's Tabulas is the cutest baby I've seen in a looonnngg time. Look at her! So cute!
. . .
So there's been big hoopla over the Gates, a 26-year art project that's going to last 16 days in Central Park.
Sometimes I feel like such an uncultured buffoon... I looked at this exhibit and went: "So they hung up a bunch of orange banners in a line throughout Central Park." I just don't "get it." I mean, the artist explained it, it's supposed to make people feel like they're in a parade ... to give dignity to the masses. But apparently I just don't "get it."
What I do get is that this thing cost $20 million dollars to make and will only be up for 16 days.
But then again, I'm the type of guy who hates to see 'historical landmarks' in Europe (I call them "Shitty Old Buildings Exploited For Tourist Money") ... so I guess I'm just being an ass.
. . .
I'm getting quite depressed that Google is serving "Girlfriend" ads all over my site. As if the smart computers are Google know that I'm a desperate lonely man ... they mock me. THEY MOCK ME. Just they wait until Tabulas becomes self-aware ... then we'll see who has the last laugh...
. . .
I do believe I have found Tabulas' new privacy policy:
(It's stolen from despair.com)
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Her Mom is astounded at all the attention from around the world that Emma is getting! :)
Hope Tabulas will be around in some form when she's old enough to see how famous she was a baby!! :)
Well hopefully Tabulas will be around forever so Emma can appreciate how many people know of her existence.
Keep sharing the pics as they come!


<a href="http://tabulas.com/~MikeyMike/gallery/3556">http://tabulas.com/~MikeyMike/gallery/3556</a>

nixie_bu (guest)