thoughts on boys and girls
Some random observations regarding boys and girls:
Girls are quite perceptive about figuring out if guys like them. If a guy that likes a girl annoys that girl, there is NOTHING that guy can do to get out of the doghouse. Anything the guy does after that ... will continue to annoy the girl. But this could be the EXACT same task as a guy friend of the girl ... but the fact that the annoying guy did it will make it even MORE annoying. I think that's the one certain thing I've learned about girls ... once you're on a girl's "annoy" list, you might as well pack your things up and leave. Game over. No more credits for you.
. . .
I was watching the game with Alice, Lillia, and Mina. I shaved my head a few days ago, and Mina asked if I was going through a transitional period in my life. How intuitive of her! She knows that when a guy shaves his head, it usually marks the beginning of a new phase in that guy's life.
I'm not sure why it is, but it's so true. The other time I shaved my head was freshman year when I was dealing with a lot of weird issues. And now ... well... a lot of issues again :)
In any case, it's amazing what a shaved head will do! If you want to know what I look like, I took a picture with my digital camera:
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you're right though... girls are intuitive and once u get on our "annoy" list... it's very HARD to get off of it!

