i could be the smartest man ever to walk the face of this earth
I could be the smartest man to ever walk the face of this earth.
As most of you know, I made a long trip out to help my dad move into his digs in Kansas City. It was a two-day drive ... and I didn't bother to adjust the seat, which I sat at driving for 7-8 hour stretches. In any case, my back started to hurt through the trip, but I paid it no heed. I AM SUPERMAN!
Wrong. Only Tom Welling is superman ... I am a lowly peon. After helping my dad move in (big sofa = more strain on back) I slept on the ground and ended up with a massive crick in my neck (I'm a side/belly sleeper, and apparently that's a bad combo when you sleep on a hard floor).
So I come back and sit at my desk and program for 12 hours at a time. Bad move.
I woke up this morning, and my back was KILLING me. I mean, it wasn't just the normal minor discomfort; it physically hurt to sit at my desk for more than an hour. So I got to lying on the ground (which helps a lot; ti takes the pressure off the lower part of my back which is the part that hurts). I was lying there, doing nothing much but thinking about stupid things (girls) ... but then this little part of my brain lit up.
You have a tablet PC. You have wireless internet. You have wireless keyboard... why don't you just ... SET IT UP SO YOU CAN WORK FROM THE GROUND?!
After about 20 minutes of experimenting with various positions, I got something rigged up which works pretty nice. I've stacked up 11 books (thanks, Amazon!), my old craptop (thanks IBM), and then I've used the Family Guy DVD set, another book, and a DVD case to elevate the backside of the tablet PC stand. I've used my scarve (Thanks, Banana Republic!) to give some leverage to the tablet PC so it doesn't fall forward (I actualy need it angled towards the ground or everything gets fuzzy cause my eyesight is real bad).
So hello from Roy's floor! I think I should try to rig something up more permanent; it'd be nice to try to string the tablet PC so I can see it straight ahead when I'm lying down; at this angle here I kind of need to turn my head which makes my neck hurt.
Edit: Pictures were requested, so here they are:
Notice how the scarve leverages against the IBM StinkPad so that it doesn't fall over!!!!!
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Ben* (guest)

Im so sad it got cut off tv.. only on cable now..
lillia (guest)
scarve = scarf
roy = cool
roy thinking about girls = stupid!!!
scarve = proof roy is stupid
lillia = THE COOLEST! :D
roy = not that cool :(

