where are you?!??!
There I was, chugging along I-24 in Kansas. Progress progresssed as slow as molasses in January ... there was too much baggage. The past laid behind me while i trekked onwards into the unknown future. Every passing minute seemed to remind me of the struggles I was facing ... it seemed even the mighty forces of nature were focusing on preventing me from reaching my goals. The gusty Kansas winds assailed me from every direction; I could feel the weariness starting to overcome me.
But then I saw you. Approaching from the past ... and heading towards the future ... you came up behind me. Then you passed me. Then you cut me off. At first I was enraged that even random strangers were taking shots at me ... but something about your rear enthralled me. Was it the wide load? Or was it just the ... freshness of something new?
No, the change was much more pronounced. I didn't even notice it at first ... but you were improving my life. So far I had journeyed alone. But when you cut me of... I immediately noticed that I could sustain speeds of 70MPH at 2100 RPMs! This had not been possible before... I had to usually hit close to 3400 rpms to maintain 70mph in the open road with the gusty Kansas winds!
I was immediately enraptured by you. You sped along, passing those who were slower than you, and I was happy to speed along in your shadow. So what if you barely noticed me? I'm used to being ignored... it seems my small Chevy Malibu frame has no place in this Hollywood world of beautiful curves and oversized engines.
You were my windbreaker. You tore a path through the winds of time and let me follow in your path. But I got selfish. Unhappy with going 70mph, I decided to strike out on my own. After following you for an hour, I decided to make my move around Exit 41 on I-24 ... I saw a Dodge Stratus and decided to follow it. Maybe the allure of something new dazzles us ... or maybe it's just our nature to be unhappy with the status quo.
But the Dodge Stratus did not share the same love for me as you. The Stratus quickly sped off, leaving me to face the harsh conditions alone. I tried to forget about you and move on ... but life never lets us do that. About 10 minutes later, I saw you in my rearview mirror. Maybe you were angry at my betrayal, but you sped by me. This was Exit 21. I remember lookingly longingly at your speed by ... perhaps if I had just stayed with you .... perhaps....
I miss you, oh truck carrying stereo equipment. Come back to me, please.
Chevy Malibu
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