Holy crap
You Koreans know about CyWorld... it's the Korean equivalent of Xanga, except everybody is on it. People like my old hakwon boss. And my mom's friends. And my relatives. Anyways ... I was curious about one of the Google AdSense ads ... and clicked the Nettiez link. And guess what?
Apparently someone has ported the Cyworld platform to English and they now offer the exact same service (with the same pop-up window and supergay icons) ... in English.
Oh Lord. Let's just hope it doesn't catch on as bad as it did in Korea.
. . .
It just occured to me that this is (according to Tabulas) my 1002nd post in this journal. I have surpassed the 1000 entry mark.
yay, me.
. . .
Oh dear lord. A fat kid singing to some European dance track. Does anyone know what song this is?!?!?!?
. . .
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I'm a big fan of your work on tabulas ^_^.
Anyway - I've wondered for a long time why nobody has made an English Cyworld yet. Thanks for the find :).
That link - you'll be suprised at how many people mock that song.The track is Ozone's Dragostea Din Tei (it was originally written by Haduicci). Many hate that track.
rocieljoey (guest)

Maria hii~ maria huu~ maria ha~ maria haha~
PS: My friend has agreed to temporary host my site for me until the neopages severs are back up. now I just need the SQL dump of my site...can you send it to me please Roy?