January 20, 2005
I'll be helping my dad move this weekend, so I'll be away until Sunday night on a much-needed break from all work-related things. I'm looking forward to the 20 hour drive... where I can just play the iPod songs over and over and over and over and over again.
Until then...
Caption THIS photo below:
Best caption will... uhh... win nothing.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Oh yeah, for those of you with NeoPages who want to know what's happening with your sites, they will all be restored by Monday night. Sorry for the downtime on everything.
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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Caption for photo #2: "Know when ta hold em, know when ta fold em. Know when to walk away...know when ta pull a gun!"
sylvia (guest)
Ben* (guest)

Anonymous (guest)


btw, good to know np sites will be up soon. dont be sorry, we can wait. :)