Ain't nothing more humbling than people trashing months of work in a few minutes.

Synopsis: Roughly 18 hours of straight programming to get 2.0 launch-ready. Maybe it's that I've been staring too much at the f'ing templates or the f'ing coding, but I think it'll be pretty well-received. Between fixing up some CSS issues, fixing up a few PHP bugs, moving files over, and adding new features, it doesn't really strike me that people are going to be that pissed about the changes. Sure, they might have to redo some of their templates a bit, but the bulk of it will be done by the 11th-hour script that I wrote that imports from the old version to the new version.

Truth of the matter is, I wish a lot of things were being done differently. The problem is that 1.0 was built when I was just learning PHP, so the whole architecture was flawed and weak (not to mention CPU-intensive). There was no way for me to "transition" to the new system from the old one in a smooth way - a clear break was required somewhere along the line.

Of course, it really doesn't help when the users gripe (legitimately of course!) that I didn't give them much notice before switching the systems. That is absolutely true. But again, I didn't think it to be too big of a deal; no data was being deleted in any way ...

I've realized how attached to templates people have been. 90% of the posts from the front page are along the lines of, "I've lost my templates" or "Tabulas screwed up my site" or something like that. Maybe it's a good thing people are so emotional about their Tabulas - after all, what I'm trying to build is your digital home ... and how would I feel if I woke up and found my digital home to be restyled? Probably not very happy.

I sometimes wish I had more money to throw at this project so I could hire some people. It's tough to be the only person on this whole project - I have to deal with new features, bug fixes, customer support, etc. etc. It's a particularly rough patch right here because I'm trying to transition roughly a 50,000 user base system from one dilapidated system to a new upgraded system.

But I know if I can just weather this initial 2.0 launch, things'll be alright. New features in the pipeline, plus I can get paid for licensing 2.0 to a company that's waiting for it ... maybe then I can throw some money at this project.

To see users so attached to their Tabulas on that emotional level... I just wish they understood how much more it is for me. They get peeved (understandably) in their own little Tabulas accounts - I have the whole system which is "my baby." It hurts to see people immediately discount the hidden gains made from this new release ... I guess we're all just really attached to our Tabulas, aren't we :)

I need to sleep some. Hopefully the response will be better when I wake up ... but if not ... sigh. What are you going to do?

Posted by roy on January 9, 2005 at 11:09 AM in Tabulas | 23 Comments

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Comment posted on January 10th, 2005 at 09:30 AM
we love you roy

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 10:39 PM
There is too much Roy love here. I need to post something grounding...something spiteful...

I hate green your built in templates. They look like a commercial product. I miss the old ghetto ones. Change it back. Now...or I will cry and make a "Tabulas sucks ass" post. Do it now.
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 10:57 PM
At least you've stopped with the "Tom Welling is mine" comments.... :o
Comment posted on January 10th, 2005 at 01:06 AM
whoa now, tom welling is off limits. He's spoken for by yours truly.
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 10:55 PM
Looks like I've found the victim for the first "server-goes-hiccup-and-account -gets-accidentally-deleted" victim. Hehe ;)

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on January 10th, 2005 at 03:32 PM
He is not a victim. He is a willing participant.
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 07:28 PM
You frickin' rock.
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 05:57 PM
I love what you've done with the new templates. I didn't mind the other ones but these new ones are just so clean cut and pretty. Makes me happy everytime I look at it. I do have one question though, what happened to the entry template option?
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 07:13 PM
It's built into the main templating. It used to be that entry templating was not linked to your main template, but I decided this makes no sense. So you have to assocaite one entry template with the main template now.
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 04:43 PM

I´ve already written about it on the Tabulas journal, but wanted to make sure you know many of us really appreciate all the incredible effort you obviously put into this!!! You´ve done an awsome job. I could go on and on about it...

I think that the fact that people get emotionally attached to their templates is a good thing. Like you said, they consider their Tabulas to be their "digital home" and they take care and "decorate" it as such.

It´s very hard to please eveyone, but no matter how people perceive the changes, I for one think it´s incredibly rude for some to just throw in their unthought complains without showing a single bit of appreciation and respect for that fact that you are, all by yourself, trying to implement improvements to help and plese these very same people!!! It´s unbelievable!!! Maybe you should target Tabulas at a more mature audience, to those of us who are able to understand what it takes to keep something like Tabulas running on a low budget and by a single person...

I left you a note on the Tabulas journal about volunteering on the development of new templates. Feel free to contact me if you think you could use some help. And yes, for free, of course!

Best wishes and congratulations!!! :-)
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 10:58 PM
Thanks for your continued support :) Really helpful to see you trying to explain the situation to people on the Tabulas journal so I can get some work done ont he site ;D
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 11:04 PM
I´m glad to be of any help, Roy! :-)
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 04:37 PM
here's a present for ya' Roy! =)

<a href="">shortened link</a> []
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 04:35 PM
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 04:18 PM
hey roy, i think it's all good so far.Your dedication is much too strong and almost ennobling to the point it's hard not to notice the hard work put in these years. :)
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 04:01 PM
I think it's nice (: go to bed, get some rest, and don't fret. it's all goood

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 03:54 PM
Quick note: Moods and stuff may currently be broken.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 02:49 PM


As a webby, I love the new engine. What I hate is dragging my big sick ass out of bed when Im sick because my friend calls me to go "Your Tabulas was hacked, bro!"

I love overreacting bastards. Im thinking Im gunna have warez ads and shit all over the place...I get an upgrade. Not bad, even if I had to drag my sorry sick ass out of bed. :D
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 01:19 PM
Roy, you really deserve some sleep. When you wake, the whiners will have already accepted the change. I was a little surprised when I first saw all this, only because I didn't know it was coming [because I stupidly did not read it on the homepage]. Just get some rest!
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 01:12 PM
oh well if people don't like it. I think it's nice:) plud you put a lot of work in it!
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 01:07 PM
Hang in there Roy! I can't imagine taking all this repsonsibility. So complaining is inevitable, but I'm sure in the long run, it will be for the better!
btw, I think a lot of peeps like your new default templates, but would like a tagboard with each...
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 12:01 PM
that only means tabulas affects them so much. isn't that a compliment? you're doing an excellent job, roy! thanks much...:)
Comment posted on January 9th, 2005 at 11:29 AM
Don't worry, don't worry. In public policy circles the phenomenon is well documented. People would rather stick with the "devil they know", even though the new way will be better, more efficient and so forth. Change is difficult to implement to large groups.

Thanks and congrats on 2.0!