January 5, 2005
UPS and Amazon
I ordered four books January 2nd and got all books 3 days later (today). Amazon and UPS rule! Unlike FedEx, UPS beats its own delivery estimates... woo hoo!
I've been reading a lot of great books lately; I'll post a review and short synopsis of all the books shortly once I'm done.
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I'm such a moron. When making 2.0, I completely forgot about the CSS parsing feature that made 1.0 so popular (I think). The ability to change your colors to any color that you like... I think this is a huge plus for Tabulas. So here are some thoughts as I try to write a new CSS parser:
- Limit what can be modified. Only allow font-size, font-family, line-height, border-style, border-color, color, background-color to be modified.
- It would be nice to be able to read shorthand CSS notation, but that may be a bit too long in development to justify its development. For now, just do a simple parsing of those explicit properties.
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