i have a problem
No one is infallible. We each have our own flaws which we learn to live with ... for a while I thought my flaws were quite minute and could be dealt with accordingly, but I can't ignore it. I have a problem.
I have a horrible addiction which I need to get over. I can't continue to trick myself into thinking that "just one more time" is harmless. The little acts are just as harmful to myself as the big ones... and to this, I can no longer stand it.
I've grown to hate myself for this problem and my unwillingness to deal with it. In retrospect, it's damaged my life in far too many ways to mention. I need to stop.
As I step into the real world, I have to learn self-restraint ... I cannot continue to just live in a carefree world where I do whatever I please.
So here's to eliminating the flaws ... let's see if I can conquer these demons. Starting today ... a new Roy.
. . .
On a much lighter note, I just found out that Ken and Barbie broke up. Barbie has a new boyfriend named 'Blaine.' Here is the new happy couple:
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iatoo (guest)


iatoo (guest)
It looks like u grew up in the U.S.
Yep, I did grow up in the US.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

PM5K (guest)
Better notch up that security....


ghost_tree (guest)
Blaine is such a blatant attempt to make the male-barbie cool! Kinda like the "extreme" campaigns for almost everything.
Blaine= Extreme! Ken


a blaine... eww... he looks like a SoCal Fruit...