Interesting proposition
An interesting proposition was brought up to me; someone e-mailed me out of the blue offering to buy Tabulas. Obviously that's not happening, but I did counteroffer by saying that I'd be willing to sell on perpetual license of the Tabulas platform. A long conversation came from that one e-mail, and we started chatting on AIM.
Things are looking pretty good ... I'll be able to: (1) be paid off for my work in Tabulas (2) let someone else run a competitor so I can learn some strategies on how to improve Tabulas (3) and not lose any control over Tabulas!
The thought of licensing the Tabulas platform never crossed my mind; the guy has a cool domain name (admittedly) and he's been researching multi-user blog platforms for a few months now ... and he says he likes mine the best because it's "less technical." It's true. The other (big) multi-blog platform is LiveJournal, and the thing is *so* technical that it takes almost an expert to run and maintain ... plus the whole system isn't really geared for the "technically dumb" people.
I sent off a range for licensing the software and he seemed quite receptive. With some stuff that's happening around my personal life, I could definitely use this money.
If this licensing thing comes through, I may partner with someone to start licensing this stuff while I focus on the set-up part; there has to be more marketing experts out there who want to quickly drop a few grand and get a full-fledged blogging platform and try their hand at running these sites. Blogging sites are the new "hosting" companies ... except these blogging platforms give users easier management while making server management much easier. I never thought one could make so much money from simply licensing! And there have got to be some organizations that want to set this stuff up... come ON... SOMEONE! If there's a market for NINJA BOOKs, there's a market for this.
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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Now the old hat net users, with some expertise, will love Tabulas because it is so diverse in function. Its a really robust product with really good modularity, customization options, post options and other functions. So many that the expert user will have enough to tool about with that they wont get bored, but not too many to make the BLOG overshadow the process of BLOGGING.
The really green users will feel the pain though. I have recently talked extensively with some <a href="">MySpace</a> users and they like that service because it is utterly braindead. There is little to no thinking envolved and it forces a sort of artifical community on you so you are sucked in immediately. Tabulas has no such measures. I personally like that. Not being forced into groups is nice. Forging your own network of friends and groups makes more sense to me. That is something that some (albiet the least experienced) users cannot do without a service like MySpace.
Whatever you do, Roy, I back it 110%!

I definitely think this could be interesting for you to sell Tabulas. I know you go to UNC, and they have a freaking good business program so you might not have problems with bargaining, eheh. But since I'm also in a great Business school, I might advise you to study that case, see if the price is right and then you may accept. Dont get carried away and sign anything.
Btw, I think that you analysis of the situation (in the entry) was really really professional. So I bet you'll prolly go pretty far with it. Indeed, there may be a new market for weblogs. Tabulas is just perfect. There are many things you can and it's easy to use it. Anywayz, make the good decisions, and we are bunch of folks behind you ! Bring it on !
PS : In case you’d ever feel like being generous, you could lemme put up some videos on my site. It’d be awesome. Jaykay, don’t listen to me…

tabulas is really the best online journal for starters. thanks to you!

are you talking 100% open source?

The truth is, you _can_ sell free software ( example: <a href=""></a> ), therefore big companies ( <a href=""></a> ) inject large monies into free software organisations (GNU, Mozilla, etc) so they can get 'x' software fast/cheap which they resell onto customers packaged with 'y' hardware (IBM probably) or 'z' other software.
Or in other circumstances, there are free software corporations [sort of] like Redhat which do the selling and packaging and administration themselves. Mainly the money comes off support costs which can be pretty large c/o money-grabbing Microsoft-like companies already charging too much.
greenpill (guest)