The Return of the King
A few days ago, I found out from Terrence that Peterman is a pretty avid Axis and Allies. I was excited to hear this, because I love Axis and Allies.
When I talked to Peterman about Axis and Allies, he mentioned that it was impossible for Axis to win following normal rules.
Oh NO, he DI'ANT.
There is one way to get any guy to do something, and that is to tell him that something is impossible. And Peterman just lay down the gauntlet. I was so eager to prove him wrong ... that I invited him over last night at 1am to settle the score.
But the fool ... he feared me and backed out. But he comes tonight, and I will DESTROY him. I set up the game last night and detailed out the first few turns ...
To up the stakes, we put money on the game. Because Peterman insisted that it was impossible for Axis to win, I wanted him to give me 2:1 odds, but he wouldn't do it, the bastard.
In any case, I eagerly await him ... for he will see the wrath that is ROY!
. . .
I'm glad a lot of you enjoyed the MP3 I posted last time; if you didn't get it yet, scroll down and get it. It's seriously funny (as people have pointed out in the comments).
I've uploaded another track from Cormega... if you liked the previous track, you'll probably like this. Download the MP3 here.
Edit: Update ... after a 12 hour game, Peterman defeated me. NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!
I had it all ... I took a few gambles to set up positionally advantageous units ... and then it all crumbled when I oversaw a crucial reinforcements of Germany ... left only like 6 units in there with 16 tanks sitting in Eastern Europe. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Stupid me!
Great game, Peterman. But 12 hours ... what a friggin marathon.
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