I am the master of time management
Fact 1: I am really busy these days with a lot of commitments.
Fact 2: I spent a lot of tonight working on statistics and graph generation (probably the last 4 hours or so). I finally got around to snapshotting Tabulas statistics (I've run a scheduler to snapshot all relevant statistics to run every night while I've scheduled the graphing utility to automatically update all graph images once a month).
The first results can be viewable at http://home.tabulas.com/statistics.php.
What's interesting are the two graphs generated; one is a graph of Tabulas user registration over time while the other is the growth of users vs. entries vs. images.
Now I may not have learned too much in skewl, but I know this: GRAPHS THAT GO UP ARE GOOD, GOOD, GREAT!!!!!!!!. *cough*
Image usage has certainly slowed over the past few months; this seems pretty normal since I've been regularly lowering the free account image quotas ... but what happens when I release the "mass upload" gallery features on the new CP? We shall see...
But it looks almost as if entry usage is growing at a much faster rate than user registration? I guess that means that Tabulas is locking in members ... always a great sign! I'd be curious to see how "active" paid members are vs. non-paid members and to see what percentage of total costs is actually being paid by paid membership ... etc. etc.
But yeah, those statistics are interesting. So go take a look!
P.S. Again with the age distribution there seems to be a problem; the age limit stops at 35 when it stop at a much higher number. The total numbers at 35 I think are 35+, but I'll fix this later.
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Need a good laugh from an awesome acapella song? Download this MP3 then! It's a seriously funny MP3... just keep listening to it ... warning though, don't play it in a public place because someone MAY think it's "not cool."
My ex-girlfriend thought the song was "cute." I'm not sure what that exactly means.
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In an effort to "persuade" my friends to join Tabulas, I have decided to post slanderous stories regarding them until they join. Then I will continue to slander them.. HAH HAH. You see what you readers have done? You have given me a huge pulpit from which I can be a bully!
In any case, this post will focus on "Peterman." If you don't know who he is, here is a quintissential picture of him:
We can define Peterman by a few notable characteristics:
- He always likes to eat.
- He always comes shortchanged to the poker game (IT'S $5, PETERMAN.... COME ON MAN)
- He always loses to me in poker
Now I don't know what it is about Peterman, but it is very fun to aggravate him; there's something about his reaction that is very soothing. I think that's why Terrence is constantly tormenting him. I also think it's why I play any hand against him; it's great to catch with nothing and watch him blow up. But Peterman is a pretty passive guy; if he blows up the worst he'll do is shout a string of curses (mostly "Damnit" that's his favorite) while he threatens to jump out the window. In fact, I have the perfect screenshot to iillustrate this (this is not made up; Peterman is on the left and Terrence's Peterman quote is on the right):
In any case, I will write of a particular incident a few weeks ago after our poker night. Peterman had been knocked out and was quite bored. Apparently his boredom was so great that he found it necessary to answer his cell phone from a "friend."
Now the amusing thing here is that if it were a quick call and the phone call had masculine traits (short, terse answers, short conversations, etc.) then I would think nothing of it... but...
- Peterman was talking "softly" into the phone. He claims he was trying not to wake Sech, but I think otherwise. I used to be in a relationship, and I used the exact same voice with my then-girlfriend. I mean it's the type of voice that's accompanied by the words, "I love you too, hunniebunnie." (ugh I just got sick)
- The conversation lasted a LONG time. I mean this wasn't the typical "Hey you want to go eat? No? Ok. See ya later, G-FUNKDAWG (these are things that manly men say)." Apparently Pete was interested in having a "real" conversation over the phone with his "drunk friend." Whatever. It seemed more like a guy who was trying to turn down a bootycall.
OK I'm done slandering people.
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