Tabulas happenings
One of the UPSSIIIIDDDEEESS of testing out the new cpanel is that it's on a separate server. So yes, if Tabulas crashes, you can still access your Tabulas control panel. So if you feel the urge to add an entry while Tabulas is down, just type in and you will be fine.
I've been spending some time hacking away at the control panel. I've decided to use one of my other idle tabulas accounts as the control panel journal. So any bug reports or whatnot, please go to caletucker and post the bugs over there. You do not need to repost bugs you already posted in my previous cpanel post; I am addressing all the ones in there this weekend.
Another cool thing is getting rid of the auto-breaks (so you can write "pure" HTML entries for once!) as well as being able to post in multiple categories (if you use categories).
I've also implemented the commenting autolock feature that I talked about earlier. Basically what this does is disable the ability to make comments in any non-stickied post after X days. It will help make comment spam much more manageable (how often do you get a legitimate comment after a certain number of days anyway?).. I've set mine to 5 days. You can access it from your Prefs » Journal page.
The server lately has been crashing quite often. I've devoted my old craptop to leaving SSH windows to my servers open 24/7 so I can always monitor how my servers are doing. The database and main servers have been dying on an off over the past two days ... apologies for the downtime. I hate it just as much as you do ... hopefully I can get some money somewhere to buy better servers.
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domes (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
I am glad for the comment locking. Some people will comment on crap that is so old its like necromancy only
I have seen an odd thing. It seems the server likes to take a nose dive more often on tuesdays (sadly my new "free" day) so the new "Post through the cp even though the tab is down" feature will make me grin like an evil monkey that rules the universe...ahem.