Today at approximately 2:36PM I got hit on the side of the face by a tennis ball. It bent my glasses. Luckily nobody saw.
I was originally going to write a long post about the cultural differences between Korea and America manifested in web services, but I got really really lazy and wrote this post instead. Forgiveness, PLEASE. EDIT: I think I'm just going to use this post as a general aggregation for everything little thing I've wanted to post but I just haven't had the opportunity to post yet...
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Speaking of which, check Website » Links » Bookmarklet in the new control panel to install a bookmarklet that will let you quickly add a link to your Tabulas links page from any page on the web; I'm going to start developing this feature a bit more (maybe make a separate RSS feed for links) because I really like to manage links online. It just makes sense.
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I managed to use my TRICKSINESS (I'm a tricky ... tricksy hobbit...) to get a parking ticket appealed. A few weeks ago, I parked in a motorcycle (yes, I am that skilled ... I parked a 1996 Ford Taurus in a motorcycle parking spot (again). I got a ticket for this before, and I only got the fine notched down a few Hamiltons. This time I got the whole thing appealed down.
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Thanks to the owner of for answering my question in the previous post. Maybe I'll incorporate pinging their list into Tabulas. Speaking of which, I really need to rebuild those crossposting features. They were legitimately useful...
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Does anyone notice that the features that tend to be developed are features that I find personally useful? Unlike real businesses which have to worry about foolish things like revenue and profit-margins, I haphazardly run this site. Of course, 2.0 is meant to make things more "professional," but give my streak of procrastination ... things are going quite slow on that front. But yeah, I'm a selfish bastard. All those features... NONE OF THEM ARE FOR YOU. THEY ARE ALL FOR ME. I AM SIMPLY SHARING THEM. MUHAHA.
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I seemingly seem (is this proper grammar?) to suffer from mild OCD. It's getting worse. For example, there's this dry patch of skin by my ear and I keep picking at it, although: 1.) I can't see it and 2.) it doesn't itch or anything. Common sense would dictate that I leave it alone so it can heal. Also, I always have to wash my hands whenever I leave the room. As if my room is any cleaner than "outside." Even if it's going outside to get something from my car. And the latest proof ... I came all the way back to my room to clip my fingernails. About a ten minute walk ... because I thought my fingernails were too long (which they were!) and ... they were bothering me.
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This girl wants me to tutor her in organic chemistry, yet I cannot remember an ounce of organic chem. When was the last time I even did that junk? 3 years ago? 4 years ago? She's in for a huge dissappointment... but maybe all she needs is a "yes-man:" someone to just say "yeah you're doing it right" to boost her confidence. I hope so.
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Alex took me to eat at Lenoir today. And boy, are there are lot of cute girls up there!
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I asked Borst last week to start ripping Las Vegas episodes (Las Vegas is quite possibly one of the best hour-long shows on TV right now). I completely forgot that i had asked him to do this until he saw me online and sent me this huge 700 meg file... then I realized it was the episode that I watched tonight. He rules.
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Regarding this whole Red Sox and Yankees fiasco... I have absolutely no preference who wins, but I do have a mild bias. Of course, having no preference means I'm rooting for the underdog (the Red Sox). Gosh, it just seems so cool to root for them. I mean, the CURSE. The FRIGGIN CURSE. And if they actually pull themselves out of this hole, I can say to my kids, "Yeah, I was rooting for the Red Sox." And it seems to be generally accepted that the Yankees are "assholes" and anyone who likes them is an "asshole." And I definitely do not want to be labelled an "asshole," so I will definitely root for the right team to root for... the Red Sox. Just kidding. I'm not really rooting for anybody.
However, I do have a slight vested interest in seeing the New York Yankees win. You see, I was raised in Buffalo, New York (actually Tonawanda, a bit north of Buffalo) from pre-kindergarten (when they thought I was a retard, but that's a story for another day...) until 4th grade. If you do your math (which I can't), I basically was in Buffalo for the bulk of the Buffalo Bills infamous 4 runs (I actually think I was in NC for the last one, or the last two ... I honestly cannot remember anymore) to the Super Bowl. If you're not into American football ... I'll give you a short synopsis.
The Bufffalo Bills were a high-powered football team that made four consecutive trips to the Super Bowl (the American football championship game ... the greatest sporting event in American history after the baseball strikes made everyone realize baseball sucks) ... and lost all four times. The Buffalo Bills are becoming a running joke ... but this is shadowed ONLY by the Red Sox absence from the World Series since ~1916 (? I don't know ?). If the Red Sox actually win, then people will start to focus on my beloved Bills and their failed four runs ... which my poor little heart could not take.
So I kind of want to see the Yankees win. Just to protect my Bills. Twisted reasoning, huh?
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ghost_tree (guest)

I want to see the Red Sox win. Just so that Boston can once again be crushed and humiliated as they lose to the Cardinals. :D
Wish I had your luck with parking tickets.

But when asked of the scar I stick to the "stabbed in a bar fight" story...
And I'm in Miami - don't talk to me about losing football teams.