Beta testing the new CP
This is going to be an oft-updated post, so I'll break it. Basically the gist of the whole entry: I have the new control panel at a not-so-presentable beta stage, and I want people to start trying it out and giving me feedback.
Image stolen from exodus
This beta test is open for EVERYBODY. This is simply an aesthetic change to the Tabulas control panel which will hopefully give people a glimpse into where I'm taking Tabulas (and will hopefully spur some paid accounts).
This beta test is open to everybody, and all it takes is a click of a button to a specific website to activate the beta test. However, BEFORE you start the beta test, PLEASE READ THESE CAVEATS:
- The new cpanel is not complete by a LONG-SHOT. I've made sure all important features are working and won't bork your data, but there are no guarantees on data integrity. That is what beta testing is for. However, know that it's not SO unsafe that you'll wake up and find all your data gone. No, it's nothing like that ...
- I'm sure there will be bugs, and I will spend time fixing them, but I will need you to report the bugs in this journal.
- There are a lot of sections that SEEM functional, but are not. Please do not test those sections out until I give the clearance in this journal.
- There is still a LOT to do ... but I have been using this cpanel for the past few months and I really like the general feel of it. So I hope to share this with you.
Nuh uh, oh NO you DIANT (aka stuff I know doesn't work)
- Do NOT try out the 'styles' and 'community' tabs. The 'community' tab MIGHT work, but no guarantees. I just wouldn't try it out.
- The 'attach picture/attack file/view smilies' link does not work in the main entry. Spell check may or may not work (I haven't actually developed that feature in over a few months, so I have no idea where I left the progress on that feature.
- Importing/backing up may or may not work. I forget. I was going to clear those up this weekend anyways.
The links management is a mess. This is partially because I think this is one of the best new planned features so I'm really spending time fixing this up. So don't use it yet please.
One may ask, "Why is Roy setting out such an unfinished piece of work?"
The answer: I get work done a lot faster when people are breathing down my neck to get something done. Also, I feel so bad for all of you who are still sticking by Tabulas with the old cpanel; I hope that the new cpanel will be a good stopgap gift to hold you over until I get everything done.
There's still a lot done, but I'm really looking forward to your comments. Please comment on any usability features or whatnot. Anything at all.
To join in on the cpanel beta test, go here. Feel free to share a link to this post, but do NOT post the link to the beta test joining ... EVERYONE MUST READ THIS POST BEFORE THEY JOIN THE BETA TEST.
Unfortunately I can't compensate any of you for this ... I am running a bit short on cash lately anyways, but you will have my THANKS if you help me out! :)
How it works: Any time you click your "control panel" link in your navbar, it will redirect you to the new cpanel. If you want to use the old cpanel for any reason, there is a handy link available on the left side of the new cpanel to link you back. When you log-in, it will send you to your old cpanel by default; simply click the 'control panel' link in your navbar to take you to the new cpanel.
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caMz (guest)
greenpill (guest)
I got this:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mytabul/public_html/links.php on line 211

Lemme see if I can remember:
1. I got a congratulations of adding new autolink after I delete one
2. where to enable hit logging? (I know free user aren't suppose to be able to enable them)
3. I can still create categories and browse comments more than 25.
That's all I can remember, couldn't remember the PHP warnings :/
mali (guest)

You have an error in your SQL syntax near '0', sticky = '0', comment = '1', usericon = '45025', draft = '0' WHERE entryid = ' at line 1.
I don't understand any of the above. I went back to the old control panel and successfully added the entry.
Did I do something wrong when I edited the entry?
Also, do we have to manually correct the time each time we post an entry? The time was correct on the old control panel but not on the new one.
rx (guest)
When trying to change usernames in the new control panel. I'm not sure if this helps you or not.
Mmm.. also log in/log out/log in again and you go to the old control panel.
Just trying to help. If I find any more, I'll let you know.



Also, it looks like crossposting doesn't work.

on the view hit counts page.



Hmmm, wasn't there a president who said that?
I successfully uploaded an image to your account. There is nothing wrong with your gallery system.
- Roy
oh i'm a paid account, my brother owes me 11 bucks, then it's on.

how could i forget the getting...i'm a dumbass don't worry about it.


The fieldset legends don't seem to fit--or they seem to cramped and busy. Perhaps you could employ something like what <a href="">Cameron Moll</a> or <a href="">Warpspire</a> are thinking. Actually, the fields themselves clash with the cleanliness of the design in general: just a personal preference, but I like flat(ter) input fields.
Sexy icons.
I dig the new gallery structure. And the documentation is now right in the CP. <em>Nice</em>.
Slick tabs--but could we see some <a href="">rollover action</a>? When a user sees a rollover, they immediately know it's a link. Also it looks killer from a UI point of view.
Heh, nice error message.
I like it--vast improvement over the old, tably one.

The problem is that there is simply far too much stuff to set to simply allow for a standard 'list' of fields; the original version did do this for a big, but it got to be such a scroll killer ... I've had to compromise and kind of stuff a lot of fields, using both vertical and horizontal space.
If you can comp out a different one, I'd be more than willing to check it out and try to incorporate a better flow.
But yeah, I'm not totally happy with the add entry page right now. But I just don't know how to manage all that data in one single form without having people scroll gazillions of lines down.
I'll try to rollover, although it won't be a neato CSS trick since the tabs are images already (and that was done on purpose for aesthetics).


*Launch Site hyperlink: remove the "/" before the site address.
*Logout: logout.php doesn't exist
*Directory: "Community Directory" points to User Directory