Interesting things to note:

First off, let's link to an ego-boosting post. Muhahahahahaah.

Update: Seems my day was a LOT better than this one.

  • It seems I cannot escape the curse of SAT teaching. I will be starting to tutor four local kids for three hours every weekend. I'm looking forward to ... time to push MY idea of "education" on some unwitting kids... HAHA... time for them to start reading the Economist!
  • The static data servers were down for most of today. It was a pain to bring them up. I get very scared when that server crashes because I cannot afford to backup the data there (I can't afford to pay for another 80GB HD just simply to mirror data)... if the "crash" turns out to be "hard drive implosion," I'm just going to be very very sad for everybody. However, I have decided I will build in a stopgap automated backup service for paid members (rolled out this weekend hopefully). Free users ... if the hard drive fails... SORRY! Har har.
  • Some friends and I decided to try out an "investment opportunity" and basically ended up with 500 DVDs in my room. I did not know 500 DVDs weighed 115 pounds (~60 kg for you metric people). I had great fun checking out some of the DVDs in there ... I did not know so many horrible DVDs were created.
  • My online poker ban is working well.
  • I whipped up a pretty slick new design for my client. I really need to finish up LB7 tomorrow
  • I added a query caching mechanism for Tabulas. As it was, any requests sent to your personal data server while the server was down was simply lost. Now (in theory) it checks to see if the request was executed on the remote server; if not, it's stored on the DB server and executed at a later time.
  • I suck at tennis.
  • I've been rewriting the XML API for Tabulas (basically how Tabulas' control panel communicates with the remote XML server to generate RSS files and such). I think I got a lot stupider over the past few months because I'm having trouble getting the system down. I have no clue how I did it so well the first time. Oh well, reinventing the wheel is always a bitch.
  • Update: I finally rewrote the XML internet API for Tabulas! Now my RSS feeds should update whenever I use the new CP automatically (instead of aggregating them every few weeks...!
  • Finally got around to installing NTP to automatically sync time across my servers; it was getting real annoying to see weird times on the

A produtive evening in all.

Posted by roy on October 15, 2004 at 01:49 AM in Ramblings | 5 Comments

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Comment posted on October 21st, 2004 at 12:32 AM
play. more. tennis!

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on October 16th, 2004 at 12:51 PM
So what of the plans of world domination?

PM5K (guest)

Comment posted on October 15th, 2004 at 02:06 PM
LMFAO, I can't believe you fell for that wholesale DVD crap, those always turn out to be a bunch of crap DVDs....
Comment posted on October 15th, 2004 at 01:28 PM
turn your SAT teaching into good money. I know those korean parents in the Triangle will pay $$$ for someone to teach their kids how to fake a test and get into a good school.! =P

- YAY. more reasons to pay for tabby!

- what kind of dvd's did you get? Free AOL types giving away 1540ae908azsd hours?

- Online poker bad. real life poker with mad bluffing good =)

- do us paid user get to keep everything that was good about our LB7 account?

- nifty... i like that.. but won't that cause a lot of potential double postings?

- you are Asian.. you are not allowed to suck at tennis
- need someone to test? one thing you learn in Comp Sci classes is that its very inefficient to reinvent the wheel everytime. Refractoring is good.

- wow.. that was quick

- didn't even notice time wasn't synched.

and yes.. sounds like it was productive... keep up the good fight.
Comment posted on October 15th, 2004 at 08:20 AM
u need to go to more of your tennis classes.. hahahah, totally kidding. u r0x0r3d my b0x0rz, u beast