Thanks to all those patient people who answered all those questions; I had no idea about the mouse middle clicking and the keyboard shortcuts (Thanks to exodus and _neko specifically!).
Now, with that out of the way, I will talk about one of my few pet peeves with the food services industry. I used to work in the food services industry (in middle school, "under the table" for a few hours every Saturday ... it was quite a wonderful experience), so I feel like I'm pretty forgiving with most errors ... except one.
I cannot STAND it when you order drive-thru from a fast food chain, and they don't give you any required condiments. For example, if you order Chicken Nuggets, you MUST GET SOME SORT OF SAUCE! If you get a baked potatoes at Wendy's, you better damn well get some sour cream and/OR butter (I GOT NEITHER TONIGHT AND I WAS QUITE UNHAPPY). If there is one THING that can ruin a perfect day (besides finding out my love Elisha Cuthbert is 'hooked up') ... it can be not getting condiments.
Why do these guys who work at the fast food restaurants not "get it?" It's a required condiment! They never forget to give you ketchup with your french fries, so why must they forget the sour cream or butter with the baked potato???????
In other news, I wasted about 3 minutes thinking of clever "business cards." I wanted to make some "personal" business cards that would announce to anyone who met me that I was a vain, desperate, pathetic little man (as if my personality doesn't already scream this) ... I came up with the perfect "occupation:" Roy Kim, Random Number Generator.
This thought occured to me as I was reading some article saying that random numbers generated by computers aren't really random... and that it was close to impossible to get computers to really generate random numbers.
Then I realized that I possessed this skill! 24, 48217, 327! 12, 98, 20, 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RANDOM NUMBERS!!!!!!1
. . .
Completely unrelated, but one of my SAT students from Korea has a tabulas account now... let's give him a warm welcome! That's the least I can do after torturing his poor soul with subpar teaching for the summer (har har... don't you just LOVE self-deprecating humor? Which makes me wonder, when did self-deprecating humor become so popular? Was it the offshoot of a Gen-X thing where being "cool" meant that one was able to poke fun of oneself? I know that Conan has had a huge impact on this ... but when did it become so mainstream?).
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Another completely unrelated note: I've noticed that Budweiser has resurrected the Leon commercials now that the football season has started. EXCELLENT! But when will they revive the Terry Tate character? In honor of this event, and also the fact that Chris asked me for these videos which I remembered I had, I will now link to all the Leon commercials that I have in hopes of garnering some cheap "LOL" comments which will: (1) make me seem more popular than I really am and (2) make it seem like my blog is at the nexus of some sort of imaginary social network (in my mind, at least). In any case, it will go a long way to boosting my already-inflated ego.
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