I decided to register to vote using
It seems like a pretty painless process, so I decide to take about 5 minutes and use their site... and ran into a whole slew of problems which are pissing me off to no end.
First off, their website decides to force a resize of your browser window to a set size with every page load. Don't like it? Too bad. Want to drag out the normal size? Too bad. They'll just resize it. Never put your users out of control of their own browsers.
Secondly, after I finish the whole process, this is what I see:

Logically, clicking the "DOWNLOAD FORM" link should ... in theory ... DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGIN' FORM. Instead, RocktheCrap decides to send me to a "refer a friend" screen. No way to download the form. GREAT. (Edit: the geniuses who designed this site decided that the primary window should go to a refer-a-friend page and they should pop-up a screen that has the adobe file ... no way to download and right click the file... we MUST open the file. GREAT usability!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS RULE!!!!!!!!)
Way to waste about 5 minutes. The whole process left me with a very bad feeling in my mouth.
Maybe if they spent more time on usability instead of trying to make their website look "cool" (HEY LOOK THE BLURRED IMAGE ON THE LEFT IS SOOOOOO COOL!) they could get more stuff accomplished.
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plus i got a wonderful email from some woman named heidi pendergast.
wicked parents.
PM5K (guest)

PM5K (guest)
I tried to register to vote the other day but the page just kept giving me a list of addresses and phone numbers for famous actresses like Kate Beckinsale.
What the hell am I going to do with that, how is that going to help me keep Bush in office?
I must have pressed the wrong button and got transferred to the wrong kind of Bush website....