August 29, 2004
Notes about the MTV VMAs
I didn't really watch them too long. I watched them long enough.
Some notes to the future people in charge of doing these award shows:
- 1.) Not having a host is stupid. Each show needs the host to give some sort of continuinity through the show. I'm pretty sure this is a "duh" factor issue ... what idiot decided, "Hey, let's have no host!"
- 2.) Get people who can perform well LIVE. Hoobastank.. well... uhh... if you watched it, you suffered enough.
So I decided to watch some World Series of Poker instead of watching the crappy MTV VMAs ... and I would like to say that Erin Ness is friggin' HOT. Not only is she incredibly cute ... her personality is so ENDEARING. Plus she works for Maxim ... total plus!
I cannot find a single picture of her online... which is totally sad.
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rozeghost (guest)
daryn (guest)
and she plays poker. What else can you ask for?

What country is she from? I checked the UK and US Maxim site, and she's not there...
Ooh, Beyoncé...