I cannot believe I left that depressing post up there for so long. I am finally back at home ... the last few days are a complete blur for me. I got about 5 hours of sleep the night before my last day (Friday) ... and Friday night I went out with all my coworkers (as well as a dinner thing with the hakwon owner) ... and ended up getting like two hours of sleep that night. I flew out, got almost no sleep on the plane (damn those free movies!), but I passed out on my Chicago - RDU plane ride. I came back and watched Harold and Kumar with Yush (need to get back into the American thang). And I find myself awake still. I should sleep soon.
I notice whenever I get on a plane, I am secretly hoping some hot single girl will sit next to me. Nothing like a 14 hour plane ride to get her acquainted with me.... but then it always turns out to be a fat dude or an old man. Do hot single girls my age not ride coach?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm in the market for a new cell phone. But the American phones all suck. Here are the problems:
- Ugly: Yes, I know I always make fun of people who buy stylish things. But damn. I need a nice-looking cell phone.
- Features: If it's not pretty, it better pack in a lot of cool little features. But guess what? American cell phones are over-featured in the absolutely wrong places. All the camera phones here look like ass, and all the decently-looking phones have absolutely no features.
- OS: I CANNOT STAND THE OPERATING SYSTEM ON THE NEW CELL PHONES. Why does everything need to LAG on a cell phone? My old Nokia 8890 had no lag which I LOVED.
- Overfeatures: I am a minimalist. I like my phones to have as few options as possible. And when it HAS features, I would like them to be in a logical order. My mom got me a new phone when she upgraded our family plan, but the new phone has the most retarded options organization ever.
I am seriously considering buying another new Nokia 8890; it's small, has great reception, and doesn't have a bunch of useless features and doesn't have a laggy OS. But no camera phone ... and that's something I really wanted to experiment with. :/
I'm totally excited to be home. There's lot of stuff I need to get done. So I shall now crash ... and when I wake up tomorrow, I will become my old webworkaholic me :)
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my first ever nokia phone was 6310i, i love it and NO LAG at all, i find it fast, compared to the new ones i am using right now. anyways, if you're looking for a phone cam, stick with getting a Sony ericsson or nokia, problem is we don't have the good ones here in the US =(
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Hey, Royo, is there a way to change the color of the posting forms in the comments and tagboard through CSS. I think there is, but I dont know how anymore or something. Can do or crazy?
input {
background-color: #hexcode;
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
<a href="http://www.tabulas.com/~MacDaddyTatsu/432650.html#comment">http://www.tabulas.com/~MacDaddyTatsu/432650.html#comment</a>
I have asked this user repeatedly on how she did it, but she has not replied.
<a href="http://www.tabulas.com/~xmissxthangx">http://www.tabulas.com/~xmissxthangx</a>/
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
<style type="text/css">
div.scroll {
height: 200px;
width: 300px;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #666;
background-color: #ccc;
padding: 8px;
Then the html would look like:
<div class="scroll">
<p>This is a scrolling are created with the CSS property overflow.</p>
<span style="color: red;">This is red color</span>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh.</p>
<p>This is a normal paragraph.
<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 22px;">This is big
bold text</span>
<p>This scrolling are can contain normal html like <a href="index.php">link</a></p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
nonummy nibh.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
nonummy nibh.</p>
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)


Roy\'s moblog = Tabulars (Tabuladians? Tabulites?) happy.