August 13, 2004
Thanks for all the kind words. It's been such a blessing to have you guys all here with your support. It really helps me through the day ... I started to reply to all the comments, but it just got very uncomfortable for me to respond, so I decided not to (for now).
I'm still currently trying to figure everything out in my life ... and so posting will be light until I get out of this funk.
I was going to go out on a hiatus, but I figured it wouldn't be so nice to leave with just that negative post, so here is a slightly more upbeat post.
I have discovered the best notebook ever. Ever.
I've always been a note jotter; I love to buy little notepads and jot random notes as I go. Usually I throw these notepads away, as they're usually filled with drivel ... but I've never found a good "notebook" to write in.
Until today. While at CoEX mall, I discovered these notebooks that supposedly have a long hitory called "Moleskins."
They are amazing notebooks. The ones I bought are hardcover (made of leather) with really high-quality paper ... but the thing about these moleskin notebooks is that they are perfect for travelling. The whole style and feel of the notebook is quite elegant, yet stylish. The notebook comes with a handy elastic band that keeps it closed, and comes with a built-in cloth bookmark. The back portion of my pocket notebook also comes with a small compartment for storing small scraps of paper ...
I can't really find an image online that does these notebooks justice, so I'll take some pictures and upload them in a few days.
Just having them makes me WANT to write.
I saw a Korean movie today that I found to be absolutely entertaining. The actress in it is _my_ type of girl. I've always had odd taste in girls (as I've been told countless times), which I guess is great for my guy friends (less chance of conflict).
But in any case, I am totally obsessed with this girl (Lee Cheong Ah [이청아]:
Just my type of girl. I'm not down with that whole skanky-hot look that's been popularized by Britney. Give me a down-to-earth wholesome-looking girl any day of the week (of course, whether she *is* a whole another ballpark).
So officially, I have given up on Kate Beckinsale. I'm not sure how she expects to have a relationship with me when she won't return my calls, e-mails, or IMs. And that whole "marriage" thing with Len Wiseman ... I mean, come on. Give me a break. But I can't wait anymore, Kate. I just can't. If you're reading this, I'm sorry ... I must move on. And Lee Cheong Ah is the new lady in my life.
Lee Cheong Ah, if you're reading this, please contact me somehow. I'm waiting for you ;)
So until I return, I hope all of you guys do well. I shall return (not too long, hopefully) when I find some answers :)
- r
I'm still currently trying to figure everything out in my life ... and so posting will be light until I get out of this funk.
I was going to go out on a hiatus, but I figured it wouldn't be so nice to leave with just that negative post, so here is a slightly more upbeat post.
I have discovered the best notebook ever. Ever.
I've always been a note jotter; I love to buy little notepads and jot random notes as I go. Usually I throw these notepads away, as they're usually filled with drivel ... but I've never found a good "notebook" to write in.
Until today. While at CoEX mall, I discovered these notebooks that supposedly have a long hitory called "Moleskins."
They are amazing notebooks. The ones I bought are hardcover (made of leather) with really high-quality paper ... but the thing about these moleskin notebooks is that they are perfect for travelling. The whole style and feel of the notebook is quite elegant, yet stylish. The notebook comes with a handy elastic band that keeps it closed, and comes with a built-in cloth bookmark. The back portion of my pocket notebook also comes with a small compartment for storing small scraps of paper ...
I can't really find an image online that does these notebooks justice, so I'll take some pictures and upload them in a few days.
Just having them makes me WANT to write.
I saw a Korean movie today that I found to be absolutely entertaining. The actress in it is _my_ type of girl. I've always had odd taste in girls (as I've been told countless times), which I guess is great for my guy friends (less chance of conflict).
But in any case, I am totally obsessed with this girl (Lee Cheong Ah [이청아]:
Just my type of girl. I'm not down with that whole skanky-hot look that's been popularized by Britney. Give me a down-to-earth wholesome-looking girl any day of the week (of course, whether she *is* a whole another ballpark).
So officially, I have given up on Kate Beckinsale. I'm not sure how she expects to have a relationship with me when she won't return my calls, e-mails, or IMs. And that whole "marriage" thing with Len Wiseman ... I mean, come on. Give me a break. But I can't wait anymore, Kate. I just can't. If you're reading this, I'm sorry ... I must move on. And Lee Cheong Ah is the new lady in my life.
Lee Cheong Ah, if you're reading this, please contact me somehow. I'm waiting for you ;)
So until I return, I hope all of you guys do well. I shall return (not too long, hopefully) when I find some answers :)
- r
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can you plz check your np pm\'s. If you have time.
RoyKim (guest)
minou_degrassi cute!

They\'re really awful nasty things. I\'d return whatever underwear which made my honeys look like that.
I\'m planning on snailing some cash to the address posted @ np. Hope it can help.
I\'ll wait to send it till the 23rd so it\'s not sitting in your mailbox or something like that.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
sylvia (guest)

I was reading some of the comments on the previous entry... err... wow? I think someone said that you should get yourself laid and relax... but... that\'s not exactly a good idea, right? I know what it feels like to have people telling you to stop pushing yourself and slow down. It\'s hard... hah. So what I suggest is take like a weekend or something off. Or go on a vacation. Or something, but don\'t quit your job, for crying out loud. Even three days of rest can do wonders. =)
By the way, that sounds like a really spiffy notebook. I want one. ^^ I collect notebooks too, haha. And pens/pencils. I\'ve got more than more than enough. I don\'t even use most of them, but I just like the feeling of having them. I\'m so weird. xP
Lol, are you Asian? I\'m a little slow at these things... haha *hides in a hole*
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
<a href=""></a>
RoyKim (guest)

I say that should be the merch logo.
PM5K (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
By the way, this totally sounds like it\'s scripted, but I was about to e-mail you yesterday until you left that message.
I wanted to apologize for the downtime; i know your business relied on my servers, and I apologize. I was going to offer you a move to the other server (which never experiences downtime), but i looks like you found a new host...
Again, I\'m totally sorry... :/
xwing_jaina (guest)