although we go to the end of the road...
The server crashing every day has become a daily occurence. It's frustrating to you, I know. I'm sorry. It's more frustrating for me. (But as a side note, I'm incredibly amazed at how well one 1.3Ghz Celeron with 512 mb of ram is handling all this traffic!)
It's been one of those weeks, when things have been piling on and on ... I feel like I'm bottling up too much anger ... sometimes I just get this urge to go out and get completely plastered at some bar. It's a tough feeling.
I've been struggling with a lot of issues regarding my own life; in terms of the direction I want to take my life and what I want to be doing a year from now. I've also generally been disillusioned with this whole teaching experience (I'll write more about this once I get back, as it's really not appropriate to write when I'm hot-headed about the issue) ...
People have always told me I'm hard working, but I've never really felt that way about myself. I've always had these expectations of myself to be able to do everything my mind expects of me. But in those moments when I need to be working, I'll get lazy and do something inane. For example, thi whole Tabulas thing. Had I pushed for the control panel to be finished ... a lot of these server issues would be irrelevant.
I haven't accomplished much, if at all, of anything important on my "to-do" list. The problem is that I find myself (once again) spread far too thin. This job takes up 13+ hours every day (I leave at 8am and get back around 930pm) ... for which I only get paid 6 real hours. This has left me very little time to go out, meet friends and relatives, and to work on my own stuff.
Soon I go back and have a whole another life to deal with.
And I'm at such an important crossroads in my life. Once I get back, I have to decide whether to commit my money all the way to Tabulas; I will be investing upwards of $500/month (realize I don't have a job once I get back) to servers on Tabulas.
It's such a huge mental burden and it's honestly been stressing me out ... not letting me sleep at night too much.
Of course, it's totally not encouraging to read the responses I get from various people (the rational part of me tells me to ignore these people) who whine about server outages and features being stripped away.
I sometimes wonder if they can stick their heads out of their own asses and look at the reverse side of the equation and see me. The struggling kid, just trying to do what he loves, but finding it's not financially viable yet.
So he busts his ass building a completely new system, only to find it's way over his head ... so he's constantly discouraged and finds progress way too slow. (I think as a loner, it's important that I be able to see goals being reached to encourage myself, but too often I don't see it happening)
And this time, it's all a learning experience. This boy took no formal CS training, so he has no idea what he's doing half the time; the CP has been rewritten almost 3 times since I first started working on 2.0 as I find out various optimization tricks and mess around with the site architecture. I continue to do a lot of reading on optimziations, and just find myself totally overwhelemed with all the necessary components in making an awesome website that's well optimized (I've been reading on basic optimization of hardware, hard drives, OS, Apache, PHP, and mySQL; learning how to do advanced optimization in each is a friggin' task in itself).
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. Even about the things I know best ... I barely know enough to get back. I'm afraid I have no skills. And it's so depressing because there's so much to know in order to be the best. Sometimes it's just so much you want to quit ...
The pressures have been enough sometimes where I just seriously just sit on my bed and contemplate just pulling the plug on the whole thing.
For those of you who know me personally, I think you realize how much a crucial part of my life these projects have played; they've given me great joy and sorrow, while helping me define who I am ... and they continue to my hope for the future. It's the fact that I've been contemplating just giving up the whole thing worries me. If I'm going to commit, it has to be 100% on my end. I cannot have any doubts in what I am doing.
I see my friends coming back to college to get more schooling, and I wonder if I should just say "fuck it" and put my efforts into studying MCATs so I can apply to med school. But my grades are shit. What can I do?
On girls: I'll get serious for a second. I know I don't have time for a girlfriend, but it would be so nice just to have someone to talk to ... to confide in these feelings. These feelings I've pent up for weeks now; I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this entry about it now .. this was supposed to be a post just about the downtime. Maybe it's that damn Elliot Smith pushing me to vent these feelings.
But yeah, I really enjoyed the company of Judy while I dated her. It was the perfect relationship for me at the perfect time; I grew up so much in that relationship and learned so much about people ... not really sure if I ever thanked her for it. The split was quite amicable ... and we still catch up occasionally (although we rarely do since I'm horrible at keeping up with people).
Is there a girl out there? Some girl for me?
To touch her. To hold her. To talk to her. Making those small little jokes that make the small moments so special. Where is the girl? Something to break the fucking monotony of getting up at 9am, teaching until 9pm, coming to the PC bang and working on websites until I fuckin' fall asleep ... then starting that all over again. You know, to talk to someone about something deep or personal ... damn I miss it a lot.
It's killer here. This trip was an experiment to see how well I could survive on my own and push myself to reach new limits on a personal level ... but it's just been a summer of selling my soul to the hakwon while being dissappointed in myself.
It's so fucking hard. So fucking hard. But I have to push on.
Elliot Smith - Miss Misery
i'll fake it through the day with some help from johnny walker red send the poison rain down the drain to put bad thoughts in my head two tickets torn in half and a lot of nothing to do do you miss me, miss misery like you say you do? a man in the park read the lines in my hand told me i'm strong hardly ever wrong i said man you mean you had plans for both of us that involved a trip out of town to a place i've seen in a magazine that you left lying around i don't have you with me but i keep a good attitude do you miss me, miss misery like you say you do? i know you'd rather see me gone than to see me the way that i am but i am in the life anyway next door the tv's flashing blue frames on the wall it's a comedy of errors, you see it's about taking a fall to vanish into oblivion is easy to do and i try to be but you know me i come back when you want me to do you miss me miss misery like you say you do?
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You have created a wonderful product here, and now you need to find a way for it to pay for itself. Could you sell small advertising spaces on all the unpaid tabulas accounts? If they don\'t want ads on their journals then they can purchase a paid account. You certainly shouldn\'t continue to pay out of pocket for this.
There must also be other alternatives/ways of making this site generate funds. I\'m not privy to these things or I\'d gladly offer more advice.
As for the lack of female companionship, that will happen when it happens. Try to relax, get out into the public once in a while, and be your charming self. Also, once you are more comfortable with yourself, the rest will fall into place. So work on what will make you most happy in life. People who are happy, who are living their lives passionately, attract others to them, and that\'s where you will find that special woman.
Thank you for creating this great place, and for all the hours of dedication you have given to it\'s success.
Don\'t feel bad for e-mailing me! YOu have a paid account; you are entitled to better service than I have offered so far. Honestly, I do feel a lot of has been my fault; I should of expanded the server network before I left for Korea; I knew that I would reach a saturation point during the summer, but I was hoping I could avoid it and deal with it when I come back (which is what\'s happening).
your e-mails keep me accountable; please do not hesitate to e-mail me if your site becomes unavailable again ... you have the RIGHT to better uptime.
but the good news is I\'m flying back this week and immediately starting to restructure the network so that it handle a better load.
just stick with me through these weeks and i promise you your paid account will be SO much MORE worth it ;0
As for me, I would like to express my gratitude to you for developing tabulas. It has been a place for me to share my thoughts, my life and release my stress. And most importantly, to my surprise, made some friends... fun loving people. It\'s really a bonus in my life.
As for ur gf.. she\'s out there some where... what\'s urs is urs.. won\'t run away.. *wink*. And i can see that you are quite popular with girls here in tabulas too. Many shoulders for u to cry on when u r in need here... *wink**wink*
Lastly, well done (in your life) smart guy. ;)
just you wait until i roll out the new featureset! you\'ll be glad you stuck around :0
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Roy and hawaiinflwr45 sittin in a tree...k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then comes the baby in the baby carriage! My bud Roy, hes my boi! hawaiinflwr45 is his pride and joy! Slobberin kissin all day long! Roys singing the love hawaiinfler45 song!
Roy and hawaiinflwr45 sittin in a tree...k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then comes the baby in the baby carriage! My bud Roy, hes my boi! hawaiinflwr45 is his pride and joy! Slobberin kissin all day long! Roys singing the love hawaiinfler45 song!
but thanks for the support :) i hope you stick around for at least another year!!!
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Roy, is it possible to \"choke\" or \"throttle\" the bandwidth of non-paid users? That way their Tabulas would load slower giving them incentive to get a paid account along with freeing up some bandwidth for the paid guys.
If you made it more evident that a single individual was producing this monster than more people might feel compelled to donate. Have a \"Tabulas Creator Sez\" tab be the default window when people log into their control panel (instead of the current \"add an entry window) to post an entry. Tell them what you are doing and how much some funds might allow you to devote your full time to working on fixing and making things better. Naturally you would have a nice big link to get them to post their entry would be at the bottom, but something.
Make a Tabulas logo for shitsake and start a store with it. Then link it to the aformentioned \"Tabulas Creator Sez\" page.
\"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.\"
-Vince Lombardi
Don\'t surrender.. just enjoy the ride.
dood, find a chick and get laid. you have too much stress. take care of yourself first so you can take care of us tabulas-ians later. Maybe you should do a password restriction or close sign-ups and have more roy-time instead of killing it by helping tabulas. but don\'t ditch us completely either, we all LOVE You and this tabulas community you have created. ;3
take care - you are very talented and skilled i mean :P dood look at how good tabulas is ;o and how many members, ignore those people who shit talk about tabulas ;P THEY GAY NEWAY XD
aiight, i said what i could toodlez.~
I -so- know how you feel. Err... in the sense that you\'re stressed and you think you\'ll never accomplish anything on your to-do list. (haha, I have one on my Tabulas ^^) It\'s like everything coming down on you at once and you just want to scream and make everything go away. During 8th grade, I felt that way... so many essays and projects and tests and at the same time, studying for the SAT, piano, and my personal life to deal with, which was the craziest soap opera ever. So I know how you feel. And it\'s really... hard to deal with. I hope you get through it soon. ^^
I already have a boyfriend (infiniti), so I can\'t help you out there... but like the others said, we like confidence. ^_^ Also, if you ever need anyone to talk with, you can AIM (Angelus Lemures) me, MSN ( me, or e-mail ( me. =)
Keep up all the work. If it were me, I would\'ve already given up. P_p
». angeLUs ».
Anyway. You need to do what it takes for you to be content. If meeting this girl is what\'s important to you now.. then you need to allocate time for this. or if it\'s Med School, Teaching Koreans how to ace the SATs, or Tabulas/audiomatch....
Doesn\'t matter.. Do yourself a favor, and stop moving for a couple of hours. Figure out what\'s MOST important to you.. and go after it. If that fails.. it\'s ok.. because you know and I know that to succeed, you just have to work your tail off. You have the work ethic, there\'s no need to doubt your future. We just want to piggyback and enjoy the ride.
benstar (guest)
As for the girls, im pretty sure there are many fish in the sea out there.
Pointer: Girls admire confidence.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Don\'t get me wrong I love tabulas as much as the next guy, but from a financial point of view the amount of money that could be made from simply selling this network would be phenomenonal.
You would from my experience on the sitepoint forums looking in the thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars.
I think you will just have to honestly sit down and weigh up whether it is all worth it. The person who buys it may breathe new life into tabulas and take it places its never been. _obviously_ there is the possibility they take it to a place you never wanted it to go. If your worried about that just sell the site with certain conditions or choose your buyers wisely.
All the best
war (guest)

yes, the having-no-skills thing. believe me, if you look on yourself from the outside you´ll realize that you´ve already achieved a fucking LOT.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Most of \"us\" are mooching a free journal off of you with no thought to what it really means in the long run for the guy that has to go through making this journal system. I had a friend swear up and down that he was going to get a paid account because he wanted templating. Well the little fucker got an account and is now GRUMBLING because he will have to pay to have his templating.
Go enjoy yourself a little. Let the whinner whine. Until they shell out the 30+ bucks I think a year of Tabulas is worth, they should kiss your ass.
on some level, i have to kiss ass.
i commend you for your strength. what you\'ve done with tabulas is something ill never acomplish even if i lived 10 lives... i know that if i were in your position, i would have given up a long whiles ago.
please dont give up. youve come so far, and to see you stop here like a fool like me would do is something i dont wish to see. god will reward the people who work hard, and if it hasnt come for you yet, always have hope. the phrase \"a fool\'s hope\" is paradoxical because anyone who didnt have hope is but a fool. please, believe in yourself!
as for the girl, dont worry. like above, even if your hope has no rational in it, its more rational then having no hope.
im deeply sorry and if you need a open ear you can find me on MSN/AIM.
good luck ^_^ youll do well!
but please ... continue to use tabulas and enjoy it :) it\'s built for your use!

I remember one time you told me that to succeed at something, being smart only gets you so far. That you can overcome your lack of knowledge by busting your ass. You\'ve certainly done the latter, and I believe that even if you end it here, the Tabulas experiment has been a success. You\'ve gotten a crash course on how the online world works. You\'ve learned things from Tabulas that you wouldn\'t have learned from just sitting in the classroom all day.
People are stupid, inconsiderate assholes. They want everything on the internet to be available to them on a silver platter with no catch. Screw them. They\'ll always be hopping between different online nodes so let them run somewhere else.
As for your future, I\'m not really in a position to give you any advice, as I\'m going through a similar struggle and having difficulty making a final decision, but I\'m sure that whatever you choose to do that you\'ll do it, if your online projects are anything to go on. Just look at how the NeoPages community blossomed in the last three years, from just a handful of sites you made to a good-sized community with over 150 hosted members.
As for girls, call me idealistic, but I still stick to the belief that there is somebody out there for everybody. I\'m sure you\'ll find her sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
Anyway, no matter what you do, don\'t feel as if you are obligated to do it. If this isn\'t fun anymore, then by all means take a vacation, temporary or permanent.
You\'ll have my support no matter what you do.
Good luck and God bless.
hehe jk.
but yeah... i just continue to trek on.
you trek on too... keep us informed 9THROUGH YOUR TABULAS) on what you\'re up to :)

i hardly know you so i feel rather out of place giving you advice on such an important matter. but i think it\'s very risky to put everything you have in this one project. i would do it more as a hobby than as the sole means of your income. (but hey, i\'m the type of person who rarely takes risks) some people may tell you to follow your dreams no matter what. i always though it was important to be smart about it too.
having a good education lays down the building blocks of a successful career. of course there are people out there very successful without much of a education, but for the majority, education is the key.
there is never a job that makes you completely happy. it really is what you make of it. from what i know of you, you seem like a perfectionist. ;) those are the people who have the hardest time being satisfied. =b
good luck in whatever you choose.
The difficulty, as always, is taking what is a hobby (and what I love doing) into something more financially viable.
Unfortunately, it\'s a bit late in the educational front for me, but at least I realize the necessity of hard work to offset my HORRIBLE grades ;)
Thanks for your continued support of the site ... it does help to see people post encouraging comments in here :)
RoyKim (guest)
PM5K (guest)
I\'ve just recently decided to secure a more reliable host, as my business is really starting to take off and I can\'t afford to be on a server that goes down or slows down as often as this one does.
It\'s been a great two years having you as a host, I like to think that the few things I bought for you from your Amazon wish list and the website I sold for you were enough for me to hold up my end, regardless of how things turn out for you I want to know that I wasn\' one of the leechers.
It\'s taken me a year and a half to get to the point that I am starting to see some real progress and success in my business so don\'t give up.
Good Luck !