July 31, 2004
I wasn't going to come back here, but such anger has been aroused that I must vent it out.
Originally this was posted as friends-only, but I'll unlock it. What's the purpose of having a weblog if I'm not afraid to express those paroxysms of anger that make us human? It's not as if any of you expected me to not be a spiteful person, right? ;)
I was (as has become usual on weekends) eating dinner at KFC, watching the Iran - Korea friendly soccer match. They came in. Loud. An American and his Korean-American friend. They were both at least 3 inches shorter than me and looked like they were in high school (but from their convo, they *are* in college, gasp!) ... from the get-go I didn't like either of them.
Let me take this time to quickly generalize my initial impressions of them. One is the pale kid who gets his ears pierced and spikes up his hair because he's never had real friends in his life, starting from high school. As he grew up, realizing he had no real future in America, he decided to start travelling the world, moving from job to job teaching English.
The other is the really impressionable Korean dude, who is trying to impress everyone. He's not bad looking, but that doesn't compensate for the fact that he's a stupid farker who didn't live up to his parents expectations. His parents, zero-generation back breakers, work their asses off so they can buy him his nice car and his super nice clothes, while all he does is play counterstrike all day.
In any case, this would of been one of those moments, had they sat down and talked about even something remotely interesting, I would of said to myself, "Roy, how wrong you are to judge these guys. They're pretty cool." And that would be that.
But no, this is not the case here. They open up, with the American bragging about his sexual excapades in Korea and the Phillipines ("I had a threesome and it was so cheap there; I can't wait to go back!"). The Korean-American, who is obviously not up to speed on that whole sex thing, is interjecting with a few comments every once in a while to make it seem like he knows what the American is talking about. The American, sensing that he is building "prestige" among his lackey, continues to loudly brag about how much sex he has, while in general degrading women.
Now, I'm not a feminist by any streak. When around my friends, we will joke about girls and stuff, and I'm pretty skeptical of any remotely feminist thought, but these two are just plain-out degrading women. I was starting to get annoyed a bit, then I started getting pissed.
Of course, the conversation then goes onto their past histories, where I find out with great surprise that the American just goes around, moving from country to country, jumping from job to job ("I can't seem to hold down a job for that long"), having sex with prostitutes.
This is one of those rare moments I regret not bulking up and learning how to fight. I would of loved to follow that American down a dark alley and beat the shit out of him.
One could tell just by looking at him that he wasn't a real man. He's just frontin' the image by paying for prostitutes... god he made me sick. I feel horrible for any girls here who were desperate enough to sleep with him, for any amount of money.
I hope he gets AIDs.
Originally this was posted as friends-only, but I'll unlock it. What's the purpose of having a weblog if I'm not afraid to express those paroxysms of anger that make us human? It's not as if any of you expected me to not be a spiteful person, right? ;)
I was (as has become usual on weekends) eating dinner at KFC, watching the Iran - Korea friendly soccer match. They came in. Loud. An American and his Korean-American friend. They were both at least 3 inches shorter than me and looked like they were in high school (but from their convo, they *are* in college, gasp!) ... from the get-go I didn't like either of them.
Let me take this time to quickly generalize my initial impressions of them. One is the pale kid who gets his ears pierced and spikes up his hair because he's never had real friends in his life, starting from high school. As he grew up, realizing he had no real future in America, he decided to start travelling the world, moving from job to job teaching English.
The other is the really impressionable Korean dude, who is trying to impress everyone. He's not bad looking, but that doesn't compensate for the fact that he's a stupid farker who didn't live up to his parents expectations. His parents, zero-generation back breakers, work their asses off so they can buy him his nice car and his super nice clothes, while all he does is play counterstrike all day.
In any case, this would of been one of those moments, had they sat down and talked about even something remotely interesting, I would of said to myself, "Roy, how wrong you are to judge these guys. They're pretty cool." And that would be that.
But no, this is not the case here. They open up, with the American bragging about his sexual excapades in Korea and the Phillipines ("I had a threesome and it was so cheap there; I can't wait to go back!"). The Korean-American, who is obviously not up to speed on that whole sex thing, is interjecting with a few comments every once in a while to make it seem like he knows what the American is talking about. The American, sensing that he is building "prestige" among his lackey, continues to loudly brag about how much sex he has, while in general degrading women.
Now, I'm not a feminist by any streak. When around my friends, we will joke about girls and stuff, and I'm pretty skeptical of any remotely feminist thought, but these two are just plain-out degrading women. I was starting to get annoyed a bit, then I started getting pissed.
Of course, the conversation then goes onto their past histories, where I find out with great surprise that the American just goes around, moving from country to country, jumping from job to job ("I can't seem to hold down a job for that long"), having sex with prostitutes.
This is one of those rare moments I regret not bulking up and learning how to fight. I would of loved to follow that American down a dark alley and beat the shit out of him.
One could tell just by looking at him that he wasn't a real man. He's just frontin' the image by paying for prostitutes... god he made me sick. I feel horrible for any girls here who were desperate enough to sleep with him, for any amount of money.
I hope he gets AIDs.
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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
You know what bites my ass. These promiscuous fucks go about screwing every hole they can find and then wonder later in life why they are on a repirator and their dick is falling off.
NOTE TO THE WISE: Fall in love and THEN fuck their brains out...
<i>Someone scratch my junior!</i>
RoyKim (guest)



that was really disgusting of them.