July 24, 2004
Tabulas User Directory has been updated (after logging a few hours at the local PC cafe).
Notable changes:
- Page now "remembers" all settings you used to search with
- Nasty state bug (where it says everyone is from a certain state) has been fixed
- The last updated is stored statically now and you can use the "sort by last updated' parameter to find people
- You can input a keyword phrase (3 char minimum) that will limit the search to a specific phrase. This is using the simple '%PHRASE%' wildcard in mySQL. The username field is indexed, so this doesn't affect performance too badly.
- You can jump directly to a page.
Things to fix (still):
-Pagination is still a total mess. I'm going to rewrite the whole pagination system from scratch.
- "Network" function still does not work ... I've taken the link off and will implement it once it's done.
Besides that, tell me what you think... 8)
I've had to de-featurize Tabulas by removing the search feature. The search feature required a full-text index on the entries, which ended up being 250 megs+ on just the index. And the feature didn't scale worth a crap (boo). So I decided to scrap it for now. I need to sit down and write a proper search implementation rather than just using the FULL-TEXT and MATCH features in mySQL ... they just don't work.
So the database is breathing again at about 800 megs (it actually was more than a gig with the fulltext index).
I worry because I heard mySQL tends to get really bad ~1GB worth of data... DAMN I NEED TO BUY SOME NEW SERVERS.
Edit: The user directory (minus the 'network' feature) is now *done*. Please, for those of you with access, test it out and make sure it ALL works properly. You will be doing me a big favor 8) I want to post this to the main Tabulas journal sometime within the next 24 hours ... and then get started on the community feature.
Post bugs as comments below...
Notable changes:
- Page now "remembers" all settings you used to search with
- Nasty state bug (where it says everyone is from a certain state) has been fixed
- The last updated is stored statically now and you can use the "sort by last updated' parameter to find people
- You can input a keyword phrase (3 char minimum) that will limit the search to a specific phrase. This is using the simple '%PHRASE%' wildcard in mySQL. The username field is indexed, so this doesn't affect performance too badly.
- You can jump directly to a page.
Things to fix (still):
- "Network" function still does not work ... I've taken the link off and will implement it once it's done.
Besides that, tell me what you think... 8)
I've had to de-featurize Tabulas by removing the search feature. The search feature required a full-text index on the entries, which ended up being 250 megs+ on just the index. And the feature didn't scale worth a crap (boo). So I decided to scrap it for now. I need to sit down and write a proper search implementation rather than just using the FULL-TEXT and MATCH features in mySQL ... they just don't work.
So the database is breathing again at about 800 megs (it actually was more than a gig with the fulltext index).
I worry because I heard mySQL tends to get really bad ~1GB worth of data... DAMN I NEED TO BUY SOME NEW SERVERS.
Edit: The user directory (minus the 'network' feature) is now *done*. Please, for those of you with access, test it out and make sure it ALL works properly. You will be doing me a big favor 8) I want to post this to the main Tabulas journal sometime within the next 24 hours ... and then get started on the community feature.
Post bugs as comments below...
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RoyKim (guest)
RoyKim (guest)
benstar (guest)
(if u find any hot asians, talk to me :P).
On a totally differnt note, roy needs to check out neopages..
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
RoyKim (guest)
sal (guest)
Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /home/mytabul/public_html/users/functions/header.php on line 199
sal (guest)
theres a little overflow with form elements, though nothing major
<a href="http://sal.neoburn.net/spare/stuff/tab_userdir_saf1.2.gif">http://sal.neoburn.net/spare/stuff/tab_userdir_saf1.2.gif</a>
kyle (guest)

kyle (guest)

sal (guest)

Damn, I need to find some American cash. Or get a credit card.