July 18, 2004
Javascripting like it's 1999!
Today was wonderful. I slept in, then ate some ramen for lunch. Then... I worked on the community page for Tabulas.
If you have beta/paid status, you can test out the site here, but as you can probably tell, it's not polished at all.
I've been mainly working on the UI of the site since the main bulk of the scripting is done (the hardest part now is the pagination system).
Over the last few days, I've gone through multiple different layouts, then decided the best one would be the one that is most similar to the control panel... so I decided, although I'm not completely sold yet, on using this layout.
The most important thing in that layout is not the 'general' layout, but the small little details you see. I actually have most of this HTML mocked up, and it's functional with the JavaScript; there are controlled "disabled" select bars, and I got the "move between network and search options by hiding and showing layers. I'm pretty proud of these simple Javascripting features ... becase I did them myself 8)
Hopefully I can get this mockup done tonight ... and get at least the user directory updated on the test site with this new layout and UI by tonight/tomorrow night.
EDIT: I actually kept my word and uploaded the site. For those of you with paid/beta status, check out the new site HMYA. The only troublesome problem is that the left side does not "remember" if you select a specific country (this has to do with the fact that I had to hardcode the radio buttons ... but this *will* be fixed.
Quick notes: Do not use the network button. There *will* be a "sort by today / days ago / weeks ago" feature. And yes, nothing else on that page works. The pagination for any data set larger than 8 pages is a mess ... (but the pagination for less than 8 pages works fine!)
Tell me how you like the new site (all one of you who actually read my journal ;))
I'll probably fix up the rest of this section and upload the community sections ... and then make an official announcement in the main tabulas journal sometime this week.
If you have beta/paid status, you can test out the site here, but as you can probably tell, it's not polished at all.
I've been mainly working on the UI of the site since the main bulk of the scripting is done (the hardest part now is the pagination system).
Over the last few days, I've gone through multiple different layouts, then decided the best one would be the one that is most similar to the control panel... so I decided, although I'm not completely sold yet, on using this layout.
The most important thing in that layout is not the 'general' layout, but the small little details you see. I actually have most of this HTML mocked up, and it's functional with the JavaScript; there are controlled "disabled" select bars, and I got the "move between network and search options by hiding and showing layers. I'm pretty proud of these simple Javascripting features ... becase I did them myself 8)
Hopefully I can get this mockup done tonight ... and get at least the user directory updated on the test site with this new layout and UI by tonight/tomorrow night.
EDIT: I actually kept my word and uploaded the site. For those of you with paid/beta status, check out the new site HMYA. The only troublesome problem is that the left side does not "remember" if you select a specific country (this has to do with the fact that I had to hardcode the radio buttons ... but this *will* be fixed.
Quick notes: Do not use the network button. There *will* be a "sort by today / days ago / weeks ago" feature. And yes, nothing else on that page works. The pagination for any data set larger than 8 pages is a mess ... (but the pagination for less than 8 pages works fine!)
Tell me how you like the new site (all one of you who actually read my journal ;))
I'll probably fix up the rest of this section and upload the community sections ... and then make an official announcement in the main tabulas journal sometime this week.
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but i noticed one thing while searching for myself... for location it has me as \" canada » new york » toronto\"
never knew new york was a province in Canada x))

email me at royboycop at gmail.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Warning: main(includes/error_nofind.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mytabul/public_html/users/index.php on line 233
Warning: main(): Failed opening \'includes/error_nofind.php\' for inclusion (include_path=\'.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php\') in /home/mytabul/public_html/users/index.php on line 233
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
sal (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)