July 1, 2004
buried news
You know, suddenly I understand why commenting is so important. What was the moron who made that script thinking????
(P.S. I'm only posting that because the new Tabulas is rewritten from the ground-up so none of that code will ever be used ;))
... You can tell I'm an amateur from that.
The posted file is one of the many functions that currently serve up entries right now
Yeah, I talk too much about Tabulas and show nothing in return. Today is the first I put in noticeable work into the new site... I'm primarily working on the outputting display engine at this point; functionally the new control (minus templating / stylesheet stuff) works fine. The UI is really weak .. but I can work on that later.
Some things I'm planning on changing that have required a lot of work:
Remove the 'attach directly to entry' option.
Instead I want to rely more on a widget that will input textual commands for the imageid into your actual entry; a spiffy little interface that will link to both your Tabulas and Lightbox will be used (similar to the way smilies are done right now; a window pops up...). This also goes fro media files and such; you will be able to use IDs in your entry to input your stuff.
Moving away from a 'simple' and 'advanced' entry mode option
This made sense to me a long time ago. Not so much anymore.
Everyone gets categories
It's so much easier for me to deal with categories liket his ... all free accounts will get 1 category (haha, sucks for you!) ... this allows me to not have to put in complex commands into the templating engine for "should the categories change?") and will also allow people to get more familiar with cateogires.
No more free HTML templating
Free users will be limited to the premade ones. The premade ones will obviously be a lot better than the shitty ones right now. So people won't complain.
Moving away from "pick any color for every possible CSS style
I will actually create alternate stylesheets for each template so people can use those as 'primers.' The 'color scheme' feature will now limit to changing the font face, the font size, and the font color. Everything else will be CSS-only.
Yeah, standards!
Better markup. In both the default templates and what Tabulas outputs. I've kinda gone overboard; I've actually written an extra layer between the data and outputting where the data gets formatted nicely for the HTML; instead of keeping the nasty carriage and newlines breaks that mySQL keeps in; they're stripped out and I use wordwrap() function in PHP to keep the HTML 'clean.'
If I'm going to make it all nice and clean, might as well get down to the gory details.
Oh yeah, does anyone have any good book suggestions? I just finished "Guns, Germs and Steel" and I'm looking to enrich my mind some more while I work here in Korea. I bought "Godel, Escher and Bach" and Charles Barkley's "I May Be Wrong, But I Doubt It." Any other great books you'd recommend?
And also, one of my students took a picture with his camera phone ... of me and the "caricature" the students drew on the board before class. As you can tell, they fear me and have the upmost respect for me ...
(P.S. I'm only posting that because the new Tabulas is rewritten from the ground-up so none of that code will ever be used ;))
... You can tell I'm an amateur from that.
The posted file is one of the many functions that currently serve up entries right now
Yeah, I talk too much about Tabulas and show nothing in return. Today is the first I put in noticeable work into the new site... I'm primarily working on the outputting display engine at this point; functionally the new control (minus templating / stylesheet stuff) works fine. The UI is really weak .. but I can work on that later.
Some things I'm planning on changing that have required a lot of work:
Remove the 'attach directly to entry' option.
Instead I want to rely more on a widget that will input textual commands for the imageid into your actual entry; a spiffy little interface that will link to both your Tabulas and Lightbox will be used (similar to the way smilies are done right now; a window pops up...). This also goes fro media files and such; you will be able to use IDs in your entry to input your stuff.
Moving away from a 'simple' and 'advanced' entry mode option
This made sense to me a long time ago. Not so much anymore.
Everyone gets categories
It's so much easier for me to deal with categories liket his ... all free accounts will get 1 category (haha, sucks for you!) ... this allows me to not have to put in complex commands into the templating engine for "should the categories change?") and will also allow people to get more familiar with cateogires.
No more free HTML templating
Free users will be limited to the premade ones. The premade ones will obviously be a lot better than the shitty ones right now. So people won't complain.
Moving away from "pick any color for every possible CSS style
I will actually create alternate stylesheets for each template so people can use those as 'primers.' The 'color scheme' feature will now limit to changing the font face, the font size, and the font color. Everything else will be CSS-only.
Yeah, standards!
Better markup. In both the default templates and what Tabulas outputs. I've kinda gone overboard; I've actually written an extra layer between the data and outputting where the data gets formatted nicely for the HTML; instead of keeping the nasty carriage and newlines breaks that mySQL keeps in; they're stripped out and I use wordwrap() function in PHP to keep the HTML 'clean.'
If I'm going to make it all nice and clean, might as well get down to the gory details.
Oh yeah, does anyone have any good book suggestions? I just finished "Guns, Germs and Steel" and I'm looking to enrich my mind some more while I work here in Korea. I bought "Godel, Escher and Bach" and Charles Barkley's "I May Be Wrong, But I Doubt It." Any other great books you'd recommend?
And also, one of my students took a picture with his camera phone ... of me and the "caricature" the students drew on the board before class. As you can tell, they fear me and have the upmost respect for me ...
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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
I mean, a single lunch\'s worth of spare change buys you some pretty sweet shit. Get off of it, you just want shit for free. It really upsets me that the ammount that he is asking is really causing shrieks of Nazi horror proportions. I am actually upset about this...

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
<a href="http://trent.blackspherestudios.com/site_images/tabulas/roy.jpg">http://trent.blackspherestudios.com/site_images/tabulas/roy.jpg</a>


Ben* (guest)
Jeese, u look so much like the caricature... XP.
Are your students aware of the net empire u pwn?
Tabulas is my one and only!
Anna_Ganda (guest)

\"Dressed in Corduroy and Denim\" by David Sedaris.



A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen

and by the way, I recommend before reading The Da Vinci Code try The demons and Angels by the same author..
The Alchemist is also a good one..

I recommend The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown or The Gulag Archipelago
I also wrote something about you in my journal.

not this one please. this is one of the few places that allow us to exercise our creativity freely.

unlike you, most of us still don\'t have jobs. and most of us don\'t even know what a money order is.
i\'m sure the other measures are enough to <b>coerce</b> people to purchase a paid account, but not the templating please.
PM5K (guest)
Of course cheap skates will be cheap skates but you have to do what you have to do, don\'t be afraid to try different things, try giving less for a while, then try giving more for a while, maybe people will feel guilty getting so much and offering nothing in return.
You could also try giving new accounts the features of paid accounts for one month, then offer them the chance to pay for the upgraded account or have them downgrade to free accounts, give them the option in the beginning to go straight to the free or trial the paid....
Just some ideas, as you know I run a business and for me I\'ve had good success by not being afraid of trying do things differently.
Good Luck...