June 8, 2004
I was called in to teach today ... I'm incredibly excited. The lessons are pretty easy, but they will be a good warm-up for next week. I'm totally psyched right now...
My teaching schedule for the upcoming weeks is starting to get sorted out, and it looks like I'll be teaching the stuff I want to teach, so I'm pretty happy. I was thinking last night it would be pretty cool to print out a "sylalbus" to give to my "students." Ha ha.
In any case, I've been dealing with a lot of issues lately: the lost luggage, having to buy a bunch of clothes, figuring the bus systems to get to my school, moving from studio to studio (finding a place to stay), catching up with my relatives, resolvng money issues, and having a shaky internet connection.
I open my email box to plenty of pleasant replies from my friends (thank you!), then I get to read something as retarded as this reply.
You know, when I was like 15 years old I would care if somebody ripped off a "design" I did, but I'm pretty much past that stage now. It's ridiculous because in face of my current problems, someone has the audacity to whine and bitch like an 9-year old that I'm not helping them with a trivial problem like website design theft.
In no way and I condoning what this person has done, but there are "effective" ways to get me to do something when I'm overseas, but this person manages to not even fill one way.
Of course, it does deserve mention that she *did* message me before (scroll down that same page) in a polite manner. But jeez, sorry that I was busy GOING TO KOREA and resolving issues that are a bit more important than "design theft."
And I just love the pseudo-legal threats. You think that I'm going to be stupid enough to do something for you if you wave around a legal flag that you have no right waving around? Assuming I'm even *at* fault, her page says she lives in canada. You know what the success rate is in resolving disputes like this across borders over something I'm not making any financial gains off of?
Oh yeah. Zip. Haha.
Whatever, I posted a nice response to the person who sent in those requests. I'll be interested in hearing her response...
And whatever happened to resolving your own problems? Are we to hold ISPs and community service providers responsible for the actions of their members? Do we hold a mall responsible if something bad happens by one of the shoppers?
Bleh. Maybe I'm just being cynical cause I have an arseload of things to deal with and this girl manages to start griping about design theft like it's the end of the world.
My teaching schedule for the upcoming weeks is starting to get sorted out, and it looks like I'll be teaching the stuff I want to teach, so I'm pretty happy. I was thinking last night it would be pretty cool to print out a "sylalbus" to give to my "students." Ha ha.
In any case, I've been dealing with a lot of issues lately: the lost luggage, having to buy a bunch of clothes, figuring the bus systems to get to my school, moving from studio to studio (finding a place to stay), catching up with my relatives, resolvng money issues, and having a shaky internet connection.
I open my email box to plenty of pleasant replies from my friends (thank you!), then I get to read something as retarded as this reply.
You know, when I was like 15 years old I would care if somebody ripped off a "design" I did, but I'm pretty much past that stage now. It's ridiculous because in face of my current problems, someone has the audacity to whine and bitch like an 9-year old that I'm not helping them with a trivial problem like website design theft.
In no way and I condoning what this person has done, but there are "effective" ways to get me to do something when I'm overseas, but this person manages to not even fill one way.
Of course, it does deserve mention that she *did* message me before (scroll down that same page) in a polite manner. But jeez, sorry that I was busy GOING TO KOREA and resolving issues that are a bit more important than "design theft."
And I just love the pseudo-legal threats. You think that I'm going to be stupid enough to do something for you if you wave around a legal flag that you have no right waving around? Assuming I'm even *at* fault, her page says she lives in canada. You know what the success rate is in resolving disputes like this across borders over something I'm not making any financial gains off of?
Oh yeah. Zip. Haha.
Whatever, I posted a nice response to the person who sent in those requests. I'll be interested in hearing her response...
And whatever happened to resolving your own problems? Are we to hold ISPs and community service providers responsible for the actions of their members? Do we hold a mall responsible if something bad happens by one of the shoppers?
Bleh. Maybe I'm just being cynical cause I have an arseload of things to deal with and this girl manages to start griping about design theft like it's the end of the world.
Anonymous (guest)
i\'m sorry you have to deal with such crap... and from a canadian to boot...!
Anonymous (guest)

here\'s me \"rocking\" just for you, little lady.
Anonymous (guest)
Kelly (guest)
Anonymous (guest)
Kelly (guest)
Anonymous (guest)
The things I have on my site are all given credit to their rightful owners. I don\'t claim them my own, as I believe & giving credit. They were from people that offered them for free with a link, not from people I stole whole words & code from. I am not saying I am an angel but what I am saying is that I don\'t think it\'s right for someone to go around having stuff on their site that was all just taken to try to see if it\'ll help her out with html. And you rock on too honey! :D
Kelly (guest)
Star (guest)
Kelly (guest)
I was pointing out your hypocritism of \"stealing\" a picture of Jessica Simpson, while condemning someone else for basically doing the same thing. If you\'re doing it, why can\'t she? Who cares if it\'s a bit more extreme? \"Everyone\" does it! Irony at its best. But okay, I accept that you cannot grasp such a concept.
Your grammar and indignant behavior is already reflective of your personality and intelligence. I won\'t bother wasting Roy\'s space with this mediocre \"argument\" anymore.
Thanks Star-dom, you\'ve proven to be a great laugh for many. :)
Star (guest)
Anonymous (guest)
Please let us know starting now if you find yourself logged in as someone else\'s account. We\'ve spent literally hours trying to track down the problem and still aren\'t entirely sure why this i shappening. However, we\'ve implemented a few changes based on hunches and we hope these changes fix the problem.
We\'re horribly sorry for this.
Edit: Let me clarify the request. Please do NOT post things that have happened in the past; please post if it happens NOW. We\'ve implemented new coding that should help combat what we think is the problem.
Very nice when your site is so fucked up that you have security issues. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Very fucking nice, what a bunch of geeks thinking that they can pull something like Movable Type or Blogger off. Fuck you all! It\'s the words I don\'t appriciate on her fucking site more then anything, losers, so go fuck yourselfs.

And, you, being the ultimate god of PHP and mySQL must know better than to insult other people\'s work for no reason. Especially in such a crude and curt manner, where every other word is punctuated with an inarticulate obscenity.
I, for one, do not take lightly to being called a \"shithead\" and an \"asshole.\" Nor does Roy, or Gonffen, or anyone else using this service.
I cannot get my mind around how you can be so oblivious to the fact that Roy is not responsible for any content on Tabulas. Yes, we all know the costs of bandwidth theft. But this does not give you licence to insult users personally, using the crudest of expression and profanity.
Anonymous (guest)
IP Address:
Name: Jess
Email Address: jess@hotmail.com
No, it just shows you are not very intelligent.
So who is hiding behind a mask there?
Anonymous (guest)
I\'m crude & curt???? Excuse me who said that I deserve to die? Is that not crude & curt? That\'s WAY beyond crude & curt Exudus!!!!!!!
Don\'t give me this crap about being crude & curt when you people are writing & I quote \"We aren\'t all whiny bitches... but that bitch does deserve to die.\" by GONFFREN Excuse me??? Die? I guess that you\'re all now becoming sicko weirdos that say shit like that, maybe because you have some sick rage inside! If that ain\'t personal I don\'t know what it?
Stop acting like you\'re so damn precious & shit, I have had enough of all your childish games!
You idiot... you think this is MT? You think this is some blogger rip? This has been around longer than blogger. Blogger is good but Blogger is a different ballpark than this and so is MT. This is for the people who can\'t setup even Blogger.
Now the way you speak you do sound ignorant.
If you weren\'t ignorant you WOULD know that sometimes code isn\'t perfect. This entire site was coded from scratch in PHP by Roy Kim alone.
When you can build something of this caliber and get people to use it you can come back and bitch. Until then your not worth listening to.
Anonymous (guest)
Yes this site is around for morons who don\'t know shit, like you! Roy is also a mornon for having this place open for so long unlike blogger, it\'s been around longer then blogger & it still is crap with security holes? Hahaha, shows the tyrue advancments of you geeks, doesn\'t it?
You fucking started it assholes, and I will not stand for your fucking crap! How dare you little shits come & post shit on my site, until you fucking stop coming, I\'ll fucking be here writing more. And you\'ll listen because you\'re all idiots who can\'t help but keep yappping & yapping.
Grow up little kids & shut the fuck up!
Anonymous (guest)
Nice webdesigner where you can\'t even delete accounts on your own fucked up site that you moron created! When in the TOS it says they can be deleted at anytime. Fuck you all little shits.
As for amature website desiner, get a fucking clue, I don\'t see you having your own domains, you use this crap ass site. Get a life shitheads, all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

come on, don\'t be shy now :)
Anonymous (guest)

maybe take that into consideration,
oh and
ROCK ON! ~LoLz!~
nixie_bu (guest)
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Malls are held responsible for bad things that happen to their shoppers. A little puddle of water on the pavement could mean millions if they\'re sued. They also can be responsible for the things their tenants do. The thing is, they\'re getting paid, so it\'s in their best interest to keep an eye out for puddles on the floor and drugs in the stores. Your dear Tabulas friends, on the other hand... [clears throat]...get to Tabulas for free. So you see, not getting paid can be a good thing. :D

We aren\'t all whiny bitches... but that bitch does deserve to die. I mean have any of you look at the \"ripped\" layout? It looks like a copy of images are being hot-linked... Give me a break... I bet if Roy cried everytime his site was ripped... he\'d have millions... He\'s got so many projects and is such a good designer I\'m sure he\'s been ripped many times. Ripping is like paroady and for those who don\'t know paroady is just a sign that people like your work. Personally I think she should just shut off hot-linking and leave it at that... I didn\'t even see a © on the whole damn page so...

One does not need a copyright line to say so. However, by saying this I am not condoning \"minzywee.\"
What \"minzywee\" has done is wrong, yes, but for an amateur web designer to go about her business in such an immature way is wrong as well.
If she had any sense, she would have edited a .htaccess file (as Roy said) or created a new path.
To me, both are ignorant.
The same goes for e-mails. But anymore in the U.S. it doesn\'t really work in court otherwise. Sometimes just copyright works but putting nothing at all rarely holds up in court... Sadly to say... It shouldn\'t be that way but recently has...

Woohoo! Another Canadian to add to my friends list. :P