May 29, 2004
The art of being pissed
Hmm, I'm pretty annoyed right now, so let me begin some angry rantings. This is basically a culmination of all negative thoughts I've had over the past few weeks ... and here they come:
1.) To the asshole old guy who came in and sat next to me. I should of realized what a mistake it was to tell you the seat next to mine was available... I was just trying to be nice to an elderly man. I had no idea you would COMMENT every F'ING time something happened in the movie. To make things worse, you kept dozing off during random parts, snoring very loudly. Furthermore, apparently you've seen this movie about 10 times because you WOULD FINISH THE LINES OF THE ACTORS. Hey old man, we all know the lines are CHEESY and 80% of us could finish those lines, but we DON'T DO IT OUT LOUD. I seriously was half-contemplating just getting up and moving because he was farkin' annoying.
2.) To all those religious people. I've been on the inside, and I know how evangelizing is very important. But, why do you have to seem to clique-y and elitist when you do it? I actually never understood it back in the day when people would say NCKPC would seem so clique-y, that they always felt "out of the loop" and this drove them off. I'm not going to name any names, but now that I've been on the "outside" I can see exactly what they mean. I feel very isolated and "beneath" certain people when I hang out with them now. It really saps the joy out of hanging out with people... plus you just always feel like you're being judged. Now I can see why so many people make such a big deal about not "hanging" out with Christians so often.
I'm not in any position to tell Christians how to live their lives, but please try to be less clique-y. It's very overwhelming for people to deal with, and when you bring the religion into everyday conversation and life, it turns people away. Religion is best served in small doses, not in every-fucking-day-in-your-face doses.
3.) To my loving mother: I carry a cell phone so that I can call you if there is a problem. Anytime I am out, there are two "states" that I am in: OK and not OK. If I am OK, calling *me* will not accomplish a damn thing except harry me. If I am *not* OK, be sure to note that I will call _you_. If I am incapaciated and cannot CALL you, I'm sure the police will call YOU. Calling ME at the wrong time, for example when I'm on the part of the highway being constructed, so the lanes are narrow and there's a f'ing barricade not more than 1 ft away from my door, and two cars that have boxed me in ... is not a good time to call. In fact, the call could CAUSE harm.
4.) To those of you who KEEP asking WHEN the 2.0 will be done... read the answer to the tens of comments I've already responded to; WHEN IT'S DONE. If I haven't posted anything in the Tabulas journal about it, then I'm not going to tell you in a COMMENT. So please just WAIT AND BE PATIENT. IT WILL BE DONE WHEN IT IS DONE!
Phew, that felt better. I mean no harm to anybody ... I just need to vent a bit once in a while:)
1.) To the asshole old guy who came in and sat next to me. I should of realized what a mistake it was to tell you the seat next to mine was available... I was just trying to be nice to an elderly man. I had no idea you would COMMENT every F'ING time something happened in the movie. To make things worse, you kept dozing off during random parts, snoring very loudly. Furthermore, apparently you've seen this movie about 10 times because you WOULD FINISH THE LINES OF THE ACTORS. Hey old man, we all know the lines are CHEESY and 80% of us could finish those lines, but we DON'T DO IT OUT LOUD. I seriously was half-contemplating just getting up and moving because he was farkin' annoying.
2.) To all those religious people. I've been on the inside, and I know how evangelizing is very important. But, why do you have to seem to clique-y and elitist when you do it? I actually never understood it back in the day when people would say NCKPC would seem so clique-y, that they always felt "out of the loop" and this drove them off. I'm not going to name any names, but now that I've been on the "outside" I can see exactly what they mean. I feel very isolated and "beneath" certain people when I hang out with them now. It really saps the joy out of hanging out with people... plus you just always feel like you're being judged. Now I can see why so many people make such a big deal about not "hanging" out with Christians so often.
I'm not in any position to tell Christians how to live their lives, but please try to be less clique-y. It's very overwhelming for people to deal with, and when you bring the religion into everyday conversation and life, it turns people away. Religion is best served in small doses, not in every-fucking-day-in-your-face doses.
3.) To my loving mother: I carry a cell phone so that I can call you if there is a problem. Anytime I am out, there are two "states" that I am in: OK and not OK. If I am OK, calling *me* will not accomplish a damn thing except harry me. If I am *not* OK, be sure to note that I will call _you_. If I am incapaciated and cannot CALL you, I'm sure the police will call YOU. Calling ME at the wrong time, for example when I'm on the part of the highway being constructed, so the lanes are narrow and there's a f'ing barricade not more than 1 ft away from my door, and two cars that have boxed me in ... is not a good time to call. In fact, the call could CAUSE harm.
4.) To those of you who KEEP asking WHEN the 2.0 will be done... read the answer to the tens of comments I've already responded to; WHEN IT'S DONE. If I haven't posted anything in the Tabulas journal about it, then I'm not going to tell you in a COMMENT. So please just WAIT AND BE PATIENT. IT WILL BE DONE WHEN IT IS DONE!
Phew, that felt better. I mean no harm to anybody ... I just need to vent a bit once in a while:)
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It\'s a true shame when you sometimes don\'t want to mix your Christian and non-Christian circles because you\'re afraid of the Christian one becoming overbearing and obnoxious...
I applied to join the NP community..
Then I realized that when it says members it probabbly means members... so if that\'s the case sorry for the inconveinence!

benstar (guest)



excuse always works for me. ;)
If you don\'t believe me just look around.
Are they really bothering you about 2.0? Why the fuck do they are? Their not coding it. Assholes... They\'ll know when they know...
sorry \'bout that...
Roy, just remember... when coding isn\'t fun it\'s not worth doing... that\'s what i\'ve always felt anyway...