May 26, 2004
Who are YOU
I saw Shrek 2 yesterday. I'm guessing I don't have to tell you it was awesome.
For some odd reason, I seem to be getting so many comments lately? I sometimes wonder how many random readers I get; how many of you are ghosting this account? SHOW YOURSELF IN THE COMMENTS BELOW! This is your one chance to come from behind the curtain and introduce yourself ... or something. I will release you from the bonds of stalkitude if you use this entry to introduce yourself. OTHERWISE, I WILL CONSIDER YOU A STALKER!!!
Really though, who the heck reads this journal? I know a bunch of my IRL friends read it, but I've never had a good understanding of who else reads it (besides those of you who comment, obviously).

middle_aged (guest)
nixie_bu (guest)
benstar (guest)

PM5K (guest)
Honestly I\'m not sure why I read your blog, if I could go back to when I started I\'m sure I\'d know but I can\'t so I don\'t.
Anonymous (guest)

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