May 8, 2004
An homage to my car
Conan O' Brien had a skit last night where he finally revealed to the world what kind of car his auto-enthusiast self drove ... a green '92 Ford Taurus. (I drive a green '94 Ford Taurus) The skit was incredibly hilarious ... and it just made me SO proud that I could drive such a great car.
One of the best lines in the skit:
Donald and I brainstormed the "inverse" wing for trucks (I'll write more about this later) ... but the group thought up of a another great idea. I was bemoaning the lack of power in my car, and how whenever I would turn right onto a busy road, regardless of how far the approaching car was when I started the turn, it would ALWAYS be right on my car's butt when I looked back.
We then had a collective stroke of genius. We could sell bumper stickers that would say, "Sorry! I drive a Ford Taurus!" No longer would people have to curse as they would break to prevent from crashing into the rear of my underpowered car ... they would immediatly understand! This was such a genius (and simple concept) ... we couldn't believe no one had thought of it before! WE DESERVED NOBEL PEACE PRIZES! Imagine all the road rage we would prevent!
What makes this even more odd is the fact that my sister told me this today. WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THIS?! My car is AWESOME. People should be asking Sungjin or Yush to send their CRAPPY Asian cars to Pimp My Ride ... ain't nobody capable of messing with American Muscle.
If I need to fill up my gas, and I'm driving into the gas station ... I'm going to naturally want to drive on the "right" side between two pumps, which would mean the gas tank should be on the right side (passenger side). It also creates a lot of confusion at a busy gas station when there are cars parked every which way ... with some cars trying to line their cars up to the left side, while other cars try to line up to the right side ... WHY?!
One of the best lines in the skit:
Conan: Do you know what I call this? (points to his engine)
Other guy: No.
Conan: The Ranch. Want to know why I call it The Ranch?
Other guy: Sure.
Conan: Because that's where 220 horses live.
. . .
The other day, a bunch of us were sitting around, brainstorming million-dollar ideas. We're weren't trying to think of anything complex (like cold fusion), but rather a stupid idea that would take off and make us millionares in the process (like the Chia pet!).Donald and I brainstormed the "inverse" wing for trucks (I'll write more about this later) ... but the group thought up of a another great idea. I was bemoaning the lack of power in my car, and how whenever I would turn right onto a busy road, regardless of how far the approaching car was when I started the turn, it would ALWAYS be right on my car's butt when I looked back.
We then had a collective stroke of genius. We could sell bumper stickers that would say, "Sorry! I drive a Ford Taurus!" No longer would people have to curse as they would break to prevent from crashing into the rear of my underpowered car ... they would immediatly understand! This was such a genius (and simple concept) ... we couldn't believe no one had thought of it before! WE DESERVED NOBEL PEACE PRIZES! Imagine all the road rage we would prevent!
. . .
Why is it that everybody who finds out I drive a Ford Taurus immediately responds, "You should go on Pimp My Ride." All my friends at Carolina say this ... MY CAR IS NOT IN BAD SHAPE! In fact, I love my car as it IS ... it's spacy, inconspicuous, and works FINE!What makes this even more odd is the fact that my sister told me this today. WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THIS?! My car is AWESOME. People should be asking Sungjin or Yush to send their CRAPPY Asian cars to Pimp My Ride ... ain't nobody capable of messing with American Muscle.

. . .
While I'm on the topic of cars, I want to throw this question out into the empty cybervoid: Why do some cars have their gas tanks on the left (driver's) side? It makes no sense!If I need to fill up my gas, and I'm driving into the gas station ... I'm going to naturally want to drive on the "right" side between two pumps, which would mean the gas tank should be on the right side (passenger side). It also creates a lot of confusion at a busy gas station when there are cars parked every which way ... with some cars trying to line their cars up to the left side, while other cars try to line up to the right side ... WHY?!
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