January 20, 2004
TV Tonight
You know, the State of the Union address would be so much better if people would stop applauding after every sentence. We get it. You love to kiss your own ass. WE GET IT.
In my attempt to avoid watching the State of the Union (summary: "we kick ass. vote for me!"), I was flipping through the channels ... and I managed to catch a few minutes of South Park. Eric was giving a speech to Congress about how stem cell research could help his "best" friend Kenny. Cartman was getting all into it and crying ... and then he ends it by saying, "You know, I'm not a great speaker. Maybe I can better summarize my feelings through a timeless song."
He starts singing Asia's "Heat of the Moment." And then Congress starts singing along.
I don't know why, but I just started laughing like an idiot.
In my attempt to avoid watching the State of the Union (summary: "we kick ass. vote for me!"), I was flipping through the channels ... and I managed to catch a few minutes of South Park. Eric was giving a speech to Congress about how stem cell research could help his "best" friend Kenny. Cartman was getting all into it and crying ... and then he ends it by saying, "You know, I'm not a great speaker. Maybe I can better summarize my feelings through a timeless song."
He starts singing Asia's "Heat of the Moment." And then Congress starts singing along.
I don't know why, but I just started laughing like an idiot.
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Anonymous (guest)

rozeghost (guest)
TV is overated.