January 10, 2004
Snow Part II
What a great Friday. I went to all my classes and had a decent time in most of them (well, they're chemistry, so as much fun as you can have in chemistry anyways).
I found out my Friday lab (Polymer Chem Lab) is actually going to be really cool; the professor and TA are both really chill and a quick glace at the lab manual seems to show some interesting experiments. Of course, the fact that a lot of these experiments (and I quote my professor) "are dangerous" and can lead to "explosions" makes it really cool.
I spent most of yesterday chilling out and staring out the window at our beautiful snow. I'm from the north, so I've always loved snow ... it's something I missed when I moved down South.
I think when it snows in the South, it's the perfect amount. Not enough to cause problems with traffic and stuff, but enough to go out and have a snowball fight and to look pretty. Snow brings out the best in everyone ... I was walking to class and everyone was just having a blast, building a snowman and having snowball fights ... bringing out the inner child in everybody.
I spent most of last night working on some Tabulas-related stuff; I'm beginning to write in some account management features. There's some cool stuff that'll happen over the next few days ... there's a few of you who on my friends list who I want to thank for supporting Tabulas, so I'll be sending some cool things your way :)
Well it's 830 am. I've been programming most of tonight ... but I gotta wake up and be awake most of today because *I GOT A LARGE NUMBER OF TABULAS PAID ACCOUNTS!*
I'm not sure if I already discussed this, but I'll discuss it AGAIN! Because it's MY journal, dang it ...
A teacher who uses Tabulas is teaching a class about blogging and how it can benefit the classroom ... and she's using Tabulas paid accoutns for her class. W00t. So hopefully this'll be a quick money infusion, because I am desperately running low on money. I didn't quite get the amount of paid accounts I expected over the Christmas break.
I found out my Friday lab (Polymer Chem Lab) is actually going to be really cool; the professor and TA are both really chill and a quick glace at the lab manual seems to show some interesting experiments. Of course, the fact that a lot of these experiments (and I quote my professor) "are dangerous" and can lead to "explosions" makes it really cool.
I spent most of yesterday chilling out and staring out the window at our beautiful snow. I'm from the north, so I've always loved snow ... it's something I missed when I moved down South.
I think when it snows in the South, it's the perfect amount. Not enough to cause problems with traffic and stuff, but enough to go out and have a snowball fight and to look pretty. Snow brings out the best in everyone ... I was walking to class and everyone was just having a blast, building a snowman and having snowball fights ... bringing out the inner child in everybody.
I spent most of last night working on some Tabulas-related stuff; I'm beginning to write in some account management features. There's some cool stuff that'll happen over the next few days ... there's a few of you who on my friends list who I want to thank for supporting Tabulas, so I'll be sending some cool things your way :)
Well it's 830 am. I've been programming most of tonight ... but I gotta wake up and be awake most of today because *I GOT A LARGE NUMBER OF TABULAS PAID ACCOUNTS!*
I'm not sure if I already discussed this, but I'll discuss it AGAIN! Because it's MY journal, dang it ...
A teacher who uses Tabulas is teaching a class about blogging and how it can benefit the classroom ... and she's using Tabulas paid accoutns for her class. W00t. So hopefully this'll be a quick money infusion, because I am desperately running low on money. I didn't quite get the amount of paid accounts I expected over the Christmas break.
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