One of the problems I've run into is managing the hard drive resource on Tabulas. The galleries are getting huge ... and are extremely poorly structured.

When I originally made this site, I was limited by PHP Safe Mode, so I had to (in essence) put all the images in one folder with weird filenames.

However, since purchasing new servers, I've been trying to set up a network where one server just simply acts as a fileserver for images. Now, the problem is, how do you build an API over HTTP for accepting images? Some images can run up to a few megs, and it seems very memory intensive to accept the binary data in PHP and save it.

I may have to learn more about the HTTP protocol; there may be something already built-in for this type of data. Or something.

But this is also important for when Borst ever gets around to developing a Windows program that lets you drag-and-drop images into the program, which would automatically add it to your gallery at either Tokki or Tabulas. There needs to be some "receiving" script to do the work ... hrm.
Posted by roy on December 30, 2003 at 02:03 AM in Web Development | Add a comment

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