Just had to quickly write about my experiences at Lenoir Cafeteria ...

Apparently because the semester is winding down, students feel obligated to use the rest of their meal credits (they reset at the end of the semester). Because of this, everyone and their mother was up at Lenoir tonight.

Of course, had it simply been crowded, things would of been okay. But noooo, not tonight. First off, it was impossible to find a seat. I was lucky, as I was eating by myself; finding a single seat wasn't that difficult. However, for groups ... it would be at least a 30 minute wait.

Part Two: Finding a tray. There were no trays!
Part Three: No plates. Each line was missing plates; people would go off until they found a plate, then come back to their original lines and CUT (?!) ... as if leaving the line gave them a right to come back and cut. Bastards.

Of course, no mission is complete without having to find a CUP. Yes ... they were also out of cups.

Luckily I managed to survive all this ... this 1949 Kiev-esque situation ...

Oh well. Time to quit procrastinating and go study some ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. WEEEEEEE.
Currently listening to: Eminem's Lose Yourself
Posted by roy on December 12, 2003 at 05:10 PM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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