October 21, 2003
secret confessions
There is a great website called GroupHug.us where people post their deepest secrets (anonymously).
I cannot stop reading these. I doubt you can either. It's like reading people's intimate diaries. Wow.
Here is one that I relate to pretty well:
I cannot stop reading these. I doubt you can either. It's like reading people's intimate diaries. Wow.
Here is one that I relate to pretty well:
I act like I'm ambitious and hardworking but I mostly waste time and pretend to be going somewhere. I'd rather just sleep and have money given to me.
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leilani (guest)
leilani (guest)

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

If even two thirds of those are true, then my paranoia level is going to start climbing.

monkey not robot (guest)
roy- add an edit/delete button for comments :-P