September 22, 2003
Neeraj, Alex, Han, and Jack
Here is a nice discussion on why JSP sucks major ass.
The original article and the /. discussion.
I will say it again: I hate JSP.
Related article: Java's Cover. It's not a critique on why Java sucks, but rather is an article written by an experienced programmer on why he thinks Java was destined to fail.
Completely unrelated, but I'll put all the things that I know won't get comments in one post:
Girl wants to start a Caucasian Club at High School. Choice cut:
See, this is exactly the mentality that our over-emphasis on minorities has created. Now it's "shameful" to be white. Stupid, stupid stupid.
Stuff to do this week:
Immediately here are some issues I want to add/fix up for Tabulas within this week:
- Add category support for entries
- Fix up the method of action on entries (prior to output)
- Fix up the crossposting feature to actually work better
- Fix up the output engine
Tokki things:
- Get Shared Journals to work
- More templates
- Redocument templating engine
- Allow usage of preexisting templates as primer for templates
SingIt Things:
- Add fulltext search
The original article and the /. discussion.
I will say it again: I hate JSP.
Related article: Java's Cover. It's not a critique on why Java sucks, but rather is an article written by an experienced programmer on why he thinks Java was destined to fail.
Completely unrelated, but I'll put all the things that I know won't get comments in one post:
Girl wants to start a Caucasian Club at High School. Choice cut:
One person who won't be signing up is Darnell Turner, first vice president of the local chapter of the NAACP. Turner says he thinks the club will create racial tension.
See, this is exactly the mentality that our over-emphasis on minorities has created. Now it's "shameful" to be white. Stupid, stupid stupid.
Stuff to do this week:
Immediately here are some issues I want to add/fix up for Tabulas within this week:
- Add category support for entries
- Fix up the method of action on entries (prior to output)
- Fix up the crossposting feature to actually work better
- Fix up the output engine
Tokki things:
- Get Shared Journals to work
- More templates
- Redocument templating engine
- Allow usage of preexisting templates as primer for templates
SingIt Things:
- Add fulltext search
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and tokki of course. anything else?

Also, while you're working on the output engine, do you think you could also make a putout engine?