this is an interesting test. it's supposed to help determine stuff about you and dating and stuff... it was an okay test, but what was interesting was the initial assessment of who i am:

You're a natural leader. You're smart, insightful, and willing to fight for what you believe in. Your job isn't just something you do to make money. Making a real contribution at work or in organizations you're involved in is key to being a "success" in life. In fact, at times this part of your life has pushed aside romance and fun and made you dangerously close to being a "workaholic." But you're not someone who settles; you want it all! You have a vision for the future and always are searching to find love and a sense of "balance" in your life.

What's interesting is I've never thought of myself as a leader at all. Maybe I think I have leadership traits subconsciously.
Posted by roy on July 10, 2003 at 03:18 PM | Add a comment

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