I wanted to get some new keys for my craptop because the keys I have are wearing down and I'm missing a few keys (long story).

So I went to the Student Stores to see if they would sell me the keys - they referred me to ATN ... so i go down there and they basically tell me that i would have to bring the craptop IN so they can do it ... and i can only get the keys replaced that popped off.

But here's the kicker. I can't buy the actual keys.

HOW RETARDED IS THAT?! argh. I just want some new keys ... damnit. Guess I'll have to turn to eBay.

eBay, be my savior!

Well anyways, I've been learning more mySQL stuff. Apparently there is a method of inserting multiple rows into one table that I didn't know about. WHHOOO time to rewrite some code. I also decided to switch the hit logging function to insert delayed because it suits that purpose a lot better. and check out the song of the moment. i've been missing out on this song - i heard it on a sound byte for american idol (sung by kimberly locke) and i loved that little catch.

it's raining men!
Currently listening to: Arethra Franklin's It's Raining Men
Posted by roy on May 19, 2003 at 01:36 PM | 2 Comments

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Comment posted on May 19th, 2003 at 09:32 PM
interesting. i thought i saw this entry a few entries ago...
Comment posted on May 19th, 2003 at 09:36 PM
Unfortunately all my entries look and sound the same :D