May 6, 2003
Shameless plug
If you know anyone that needs a film scanner, please let them know: I'm trying to do one of two things:
1.) Recoup some short-term cash (my cash flow is much too negative for my liking
2.) Save up to buy the Canon D10 DSLR when it hits under $1K (which won't be for another half year I'm assuming)
3.) Fix up my life. It's in such shambles.
As soon as I get through with my final today (Turchi), I'm coming back and busting my ass on Tabulas. I'm going to completely revamp the styles system; try to implement some order to the "standard" journal styling templates. I'm trying to do one of two things:
1.) Recoup some short-term cash (my cash flow is much too negative for my liking
2.) Save up to buy the Canon D10 DSLR when it hits under $1K (which won't be for another half year I'm assuming)
3.) Fix up my life. It's in such shambles.
As soon as I get through with my final today (Turchi), I'm coming back and busting my ass on Tabulas. I'm going to completely revamp the styles system; try to implement some order to the "standard" journal styling templates.
Posted by roy on May 6, 2003 at 06:25 AM | 12 Comments
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hkt (guest)

how come i don't get to have a smiley named after ME?!?!?! i should have one that's wearubg a purtypurty dress!



(wait you've been working on tabulas all day yesterday... o.O you had a TEST TODAY?!)