April 11, 2003
The joys of journaling are many. Besides potentially influencing the thoughts of others, there is always the joy of reading your own entries from times past.
I've been blogging on and off since April 20th, 1999. Most of my close friends will remember HongX.net... it became mildly popular in the E/N (everything/nothing) scene which predated the blogging ("blogosphere") scene that seems to be pretty dominant in both Old and New Media.
In any case, I've decided to do one of those "life status" entry. I guess in essence a list of creeds I try to live by. So here it goes in no particular order.
Live life fearless. There is nothing to be gained by fearing anything.
Everyone is capable of everything. Smarts only gets you so far - you can make it up by working your arse off.
Make a distinction between the person and their beliefs. They may differ with your views on abortion, but most of those differences are only on minor points. I've noticed many people have similiar value systems regardless of their beliefs.
Make a distinction between a government and its people - the government is there to take the blame for the people.
Be accountable for your failures.
Emotions are a powerful tool - but try to keep them encapsulated into a nice box when possible. When debating, be emotionless. Being detached and neutral is the most level-headed method of attacking a debate. That is not to be said that emotion cannot be used during debates - but in order to make clear and analytical decisions on a situation, be clearheaded - don't let emotions affect you.
People will ultimately fail you. No one can be trusted. You must do everything for yourself - do not rely on others to do your work.
Love everyone despite their creed, beliefs, background, ethnicity, hygiene. We are all the same and we all worry about the same things. You are not alone.
Live with honor. Honor seems to be lacking in our capitalistic-driven society. At the end of the day you should be proud of what you've accomplished.
No one is perfect. Accept people as they are. On the other hand, do not be offended if someone is not as close of a friend as you'd like them to be.
Always remember that even as you're stressing, you have so many blessings. Count them.
I've been blogging on and off since April 20th, 1999. Most of my close friends will remember HongX.net... it became mildly popular in the E/N (everything/nothing) scene which predated the blogging ("blogosphere") scene that seems to be pretty dominant in both Old and New Media.
In any case, I've decided to do one of those "life status" entry. I guess in essence a list of creeds I try to live by. So here it goes in no particular order.
Live life fearless. There is nothing to be gained by fearing anything.
Everyone is capable of everything. Smarts only gets you so far - you can make it up by working your arse off.
Make a distinction between the person and their beliefs. They may differ with your views on abortion, but most of those differences are only on minor points. I've noticed many people have similiar value systems regardless of their beliefs.
Make a distinction between a government and its people - the government is there to take the blame for the people.
Be accountable for your failures.
Emotions are a powerful tool - but try to keep them encapsulated into a nice box when possible. When debating, be emotionless. Being detached and neutral is the most level-headed method of attacking a debate. That is not to be said that emotion cannot be used during debates - but in order to make clear and analytical decisions on a situation, be clearheaded - don't let emotions affect you.
People will ultimately fail you. No one can be trusted. You must do everything for yourself - do not rely on others to do your work.
Love everyone despite their creed, beliefs, background, ethnicity, hygiene. We are all the same and we all worry about the same things. You are not alone.
Live with honor. Honor seems to be lacking in our capitalistic-driven society. At the end of the day you should be proud of what you've accomplished.
No one is perfect. Accept people as they are. On the other hand, do not be offended if someone is not as close of a friend as you'd like them to be.
Always remember that even as you're stressing, you have so many blessings. Count them.
Posted by roy on April 11, 2003 at 12:57 AM | 2 Comments
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