March 25, 2003
Open Source Software
I think it's slightly amusing that a lot of people, knowing I'm pro-Microsoft, also assume I'm anti-open source. I'm not. I love open-source and I try to live by its spirit (free = good).
In any case, this entry is more of an Apple-bashing article. I remember back in the day (elementary school) when Macs were widespread in the educational systems - alas this is no longer the case.
Steve Jobs has managed to isolate each and every niche Apple used to dominate. Up until a few years ago, one could argue that Apple was better for multimedia - it's obviously no longer true.
Why is this? OS X, supposed to be the best thing to Apple since ... the creation of the G4, turned out to be ... well... not so good.
There's something to be said about the fact that Apple pretty much controls all levels of its production - the hardware to its software. Being an econ major, I've learned the value of specialization - you cannot dominate every market you enter by trying to produce everything for your product. In our dog-eat-dog capitalistic society you must learn to SPECIALIZE.
In any case, Apple has been on the downfall for the past few years now (ever since that year after the iMac), and will continue to degrade.
Tell me exactly WHAT the target audience for Apple is? It's not education. It's not high performance multimedia work (you can do everything on a G4 on a PCs now, and for upper end work you'll tend to use workstations from SGI) ... it's not even the "dumb" PC users (XP is just as damn intuitive as any Mac OS, albeit it's a little less powerful for the experienced user). I'm not really sure where Apple is focusing its production on, and because of that, I can safely say that Apple is going to continue degrading as a company for many years.
In any case, this entry is more of an Apple-bashing article. I remember back in the day (elementary school) when Macs were widespread in the educational systems - alas this is no longer the case.
Steve Jobs has managed to isolate each and every niche Apple used to dominate. Up until a few years ago, one could argue that Apple was better for multimedia - it's obviously no longer true.
Why is this? OS X, supposed to be the best thing to Apple since ... the creation of the G4, turned out to be ... well... not so good.
There's something to be said about the fact that Apple pretty much controls all levels of its production - the hardware to its software. Being an econ major, I've learned the value of specialization - you cannot dominate every market you enter by trying to produce everything for your product. In our dog-eat-dog capitalistic society you must learn to SPECIALIZE.
In any case, Apple has been on the downfall for the past few years now (ever since that year after the iMac), and will continue to degrade.
Tell me exactly WHAT the target audience for Apple is? It's not education. It's not high performance multimedia work (you can do everything on a G4 on a PCs now, and for upper end work you'll tend to use workstations from SGI) ... it's not even the "dumb" PC users (XP is just as damn intuitive as any Mac OS, albeit it's a little less powerful for the experienced user). I'm not really sure where Apple is focusing its production on, and because of that, I can safely say that Apple is going to continue degrading as a company for many years.
Posted by roy on March 25, 2003 at 09:02 AM | 1 Comments
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